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I watched as the beautiful young woman slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a lacy black bra and creamy white skin. Maybe I should have turned away, or gone into the outer room, but I didn’t. Instead, I sat there in my darkened apartment, gazing across the air shaft at my sexy young neighbor.

I’ve always been shy. Although I’d had a couple of relationships in the small Southern city where I grew up, approaching women had never been easy for me. My work involves the artificial-intelligence aspects of computers. so even there I’m pretty much solitary — me and the computers.

Moving to New York City last summer didn’t help. A job offer in my field was just too good to pass by, and I came to the Big Apple. Everything in New York seemed to move so fast. I’d been in the city for almost two months and, except for the few people I worked with, I hadn’t met anybody. Certainly no women.

So I was alone in my apartment that summer night, with all the windows open to catch a stray breeze. The lights were off, and the girl in the apartment across the air shaft didn’t even know I was there. I’d seen her once before. just a few days earlier, when she’d moved into the building. She was tall and slender. with long black hair that she wore in a braid down her back.

I could see her clearly now. Her apartment was dark. but the street lamp that shone through her front window cast shadowy but clear light on her lovely body. I was looking at her beautiful breasts. which strained against her filmy black bra, her nipples making dark little circles against the lacy fabric. She finished unbuttoning her blouse and slipped out of it. absentmindedly tossing it aside. With her arms straight up over her head. she arched her back and stretched, catlike, as if she were getting the kinks out.

Her motions caused her large breasts to jut out and swell over the top of her bra, her nipples even more prominent now against the black lace. Then she reached around behind her to undo it, and in a graceful movement, it fell away.

I almost gasped Her breasts  were so beautiful — full and firm and creamy white, with large nipples, which were a dark pink. Leaning her head back and parting her lips. she very gently, very softly brushed her fingertips over those lovely mounds. starting underneath them, moving up along the full. creamy sides and then flicking her fingertips across her nipples.

My cock was starting to throb. 1 reached down to unzip my jeans. I’d never even dreamed of doing anything like this, and it was more of a turn-on than I could have imagined. Slowly, as I watched her, I drew my shaft out of my pants. As she stroked her breasts and tickled her nipples, I imagined her touching my cock that way, and it rose harder and higher.

Her long black braid was now hanging down across her left breast, she unfastened the clip that held it. Before long her breasts were shadowed with a veil of her loosened ebony hair. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have that long hair trailing across my body. across my cock.

The girl eased herself out of her jeans to expose skimpy red panties, then slipped them down her legs and stepped out of them. Sitting back on the edge of her bed, she opened her legs, and I could see a tidy little triangle of fluffy black hair. In the midst of her dark patch, the pink lips of her pussy peeked out.

Her hands trailed their way down from her breasts and moved slowly across her stomach, caressed her thighs and finally came to rest in the pink heart of her silky bush. Her face was a mask of what seemed to be both ecstasy and agony as her fingers made gentle little circles around the glistening nub of her clit. It was all slick and wet now, and she was moaning softly in time to the movements of her hands.

As her hips undulated on the bed, her breasts swayed under their veil of long, shiny black hair. Her full lips were parted, and her tongue grazed them as if it were lapping at an imaginary lover. Her moans echoed in the air shaft and reached a crescendo. With both hands she gripped her pussy as her hips thrust up and she screamed out in release.

Then she fell back on the bed, looking exhausted. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, I reached down to take my cock in my hands. It was hot and ready, and I stroked it faster and faster. As I came, I stared at the girl’s open pussy. which was still glistening in the shadowy light, and wished my cock was inside her. She apparently had no boyfriends, and I wondered if she was as lonely as I. Could she be?

Night after night I sat in the silence and watched. Sometimes she just undressed for bed and slipped beneath the sheet, and other nights she lingeringly masturbated as I did the same.

That summer was a scorcher in the city. and 1 spent lots of my free time in Central Park. One Sunday afternoon, I found myself a shady spot well out of the way of the bike riders and picnickers. I stretched out on a bed of lush grass under a huge tree and dozed off.

Soft cries and gentle whispers invaded my slumber. Some sixth sense told me not to move or get up. I opened my eyes and looked around. Only a few feet away, partly masked by some bushes, was a couple sitting on the grass and kissing each other. I was pretty sure they hadn’t seen me, and if I didn’t move a muscle, they weren’t likely to. I thought briefly about getting up and leaving, even if it caused them some momentary embarrassment. But my desire to watch them won, and I decided to secretly take part in their lives just as I had done with my lovely neighbor.

They were both young. The man had dark, curly brown hair, and his muscular body was deeply tanned. The woman had long curly hair the color of gold, and big blue eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous. And that was with her clothes still on.

Murmuring what sounded like pleas and encouragement into her ear, he was slowly undressing her. She seemed reluctant, as though maybe this was her first time. The thought sent a jolt of sexual electricity to my cock.

They sat on the thick green grass, facing almost directly toward where I was hidden. He was behind her, and his hands reached around her to slowly lift off her white t-shirt. She wore no bra, and as more of her flesh came into view, I could see her pale, creamy skin, with a blue vein showing faintly beneath the surface of one breast.

Her breasts were not large, but they were perfectly shaped and firm, with pink and perky nipples the size of quarters. Sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead and cast golden points of light on her milk-white skin.

Her t-shirt was tossed away, and her lover’s hands encircled her slim waist, stroking her stomach, caressing her sides and moving slowly up toward her compact little tits. She was moaning in pleasure as he touched her, and as his hands neared their goal, she took a deep breath and thrust her breasts out. Her partner’s hands cupped their roundness and closed over them. She groaned with pleasure as he rolled her swollen little pink nipples between his thumbs and fingers.

Now he turned her around to face him. He buried his head in her breasts, taking one and then the other in his mouth and sucking on her nipples. Her head fell back and swayed. her blonde curls swinging in the flickering sunlight. It was the most beautiful and sensual sight I’d ever seen.

My cock was aching now and fighting the constraint of my jeans, but I dared not move to free it. They were only a few feet away. and I didn’t want them to know there was a third party to their lovemaking.

The man helped the woman out of her shorts. then pulled his own jeans off. His cock was huge and hard. and she gasped and looked away with a blush when she saw it. He leaned forward and murmured something in her ear. Whatever it was. it seemed to calm her. and she lay back on the grass. gazing up at him with a little smile, and opened her legs to him.

I could tell he was burning to plunge his cock into her golden and pink pussy, but before he did he leaned down to lick her and lovingly buried his dark, curly head between her long white legs. By the time he pulled away, her hips were arching up in a silent plea for more. She looked ready.

And he certainly was. He knelt between her legs and put her small hands on his huge dick. urging her to guide it home. She did, and she gasped and moaned and cried out as she took his swollen shaft, inch by inch.

With his hands on her breasts and her hands reaching out 10 grasp his hips. he let the rhythm of his movements increase in speed as he fucked her. They came together. her long white legs wrapped around his body, his arms holding her tightly to him. As they were getting dressed I noticed a little trickle of blood on the inside of one of her inner thighs, and I was thrilled by the realization that she had indeed been a virgin. She seemed quite happy to have changed that condition.

When they left, I could finally let my own cock spring free of its denim prison. It took only a few strokes for me to squirt my juices into the warm breeze of summer.

I strolled through Central Park that afternoon with a big smile for everyone. As I was hiking along through a thick stand of trees, I noticed a couple of bird-watchers intently gazing up into the trees with their binoculars. Hmm, I thought, why not?

The next day, after work, I went shopping for a good pair of binoculars. I tried them out and discovered that they could make something a couple of blocks away seem almost close enough to reach out and touch.

That night I put on a black t-shirt and dark jeans and went up to the roof of my building. I discovered a magical world up there: From the shadowy privacy of the rooftop, I could see into dozens of lighted windows in the apartment buildings across the street. In the back I gazed into several rear windows opening onto a garden.

I’d grown up in a suburban neighborhood where nobody ever lifted their bedroom shades, but I guess maybe that’s because they were almost always on the ground floor. New Yorkers, living in apartments that are often many stories above the ground, seemed to leave their curtains open all the time. I felt a surge of gratitude and excitement because of that.

Leaning on the parapet of the roof, I scanned the windows with my binoculars. Mostly I saw only the mundane acts of ordinary life — people in their pajamas getting ready for bed, lots of couch potatoes watching TV, and kids doing their homework.

Still scanning with my binoculars, I came across a window that caught my interest. I focused on the couple behind the window. They looked as though they were on a stage. performing for me: so close it seemed strange that I couldn’t hear them as well as I could see them.

I felt a little disappointment when I realized that they were just finishing up. The woman slipped into a silk kimono, so that I caught only a glimpse of her naked body: long legs, full breasts, creamy skin with a sprinkle of freckles, and curly red hair. He was more or less non-descript. a businessman type, and I wondered how so ordinary a guy rated so beautiful a young woman.

He left, and she fixed herself a drink, glancing at her watch every couple of minutes. Then she reacted to a sound I couldn’t hear and went to the door to let someone in. Another man. I realized then that I was watching a gorgeous professional on what looked to be a busy night. With a grin of anticipation, I leaned forward on my elbows, steadying my binoculars and peering into her secret world.

The man who arrived wore a suit. He was short, balding and on the pudgy side. He took a money clip from his pocket and handed over several bills. She took them with a smile, and then, with a deft movement, dropped her silk kimono. The quick glance I’d managed before hadn’t done justice to this young lady’s beauty.

She was tall and stately, with full, firm breasts and nipples that were a dusty rose in color. Her curly profusion of hair was red and so was her bush. Her legs were long and slim.

The pudgy man got out of his suit as quickly as he could, and I could see that his penis was already hard. Not very big, but hard.

She moved to him and arched her back to thrust her large breasts into his face. He buried his face between them, grasping one in each hand, and moved his head back and forth. Then he started sucking first one large nipple, and then the other. This guy looked like he was in heaven — and so was I.

As he knelt before the gorgeous redhead as though he were worshiping her, I could see his tongue reach out to lick her full red bush as she opened her legs a little. His hands were wrapped around her bottom, and he kept licking her. She glanced at her watch and said something to him.

He got up, and she moved to the bed, lay back and opened her legs invitingly. All this with a smile on her face. He grabbed her breasts in his pudgy little hands and sank forward between her legs, thrusting his cock into her. It was over almost before it began, and he hurried to get into his clothes, looking embarrassed now that he was even there. She smiled him out the door and glanced at her watch again.

Somebody special was apparently expected next, for she threw off her kimono and disappeared into another room. I saw the small bathroom window begin to steam up, and I guessed she was taking a shower. Once back in the bedroom, she sat at a vanity and put on makeup. She gazed at herself and reached for a bottle of perfume, dabbing some here and there. While brushing her hair and primping, she glanced again at her watch.

Whoever was coming to call, I was as anxious for him to a1Tive as she seemed to be. Before long I saw her react to the doorbell. Instead of a lone man. it was a couple! He was tall and rugged-looking, with dark hair sprinkled with silver at his temples. The woman was petite and blonde. They were both dressed very elegantly, as though this was the last stop in an evening out on the town. dressed to the nines.

The gorgeous redhead fixed them each a drink, and the threesome relaxed and chatted for a while. Then, as the man sat and sipped a glass of white wine. his companion slipped out of her clothes. and the redhead flung aside her silk robe.

The man watched as the women climbed onto the big bed. The blonde had small. shapely breasts with perky pink nipples, and she leaned back against the padded headboard as her companion knelt before her. caressing the blonde’s breasts. The redhead trailed her long scarlet nails down across her partner’s white skin, tickling, stroking, and I could see the little blonde’s mouth open in a cry of pleasure.

As the man watched, the redhead squeezed the other woman’s breasts, holding them in her hands so that both nipples were sticking out. The blonde looked vulnerable and tantalizing at the same time. The redhead leaned forward to take one nipple and then the other in her mouth, as the recipient of this wonderful sensual attention writhed and moaned on the bed.

Then the man said something, leaning forward and gesturing, and the two women changed position. Apparently he wanted his lady to play with the redhead’s large breasts. The blonde leaned forward with her hands behind her and did it all with her mouth. 1 caught a glimpse of her pink tongue reaching out to lick the fullness of the redhead’s freckle-sprinkled, creamy breasts. Her large nipples were already puffed up and swollen, and the little blonde licked one and then the other, teasing them. as the redhead arched her back, thrusting her breasts forward. I could see one large nipple disappear into the blonde’s mouth to be rhythmically sucked and tongued.

The watching man gave another instruction, and now the blonde lay on her back with her legs wide open, and the redhead lay down on top of her and facing the other way, in the sixty-nine position. Mouths met pussies as the women moved in passion. They were caressing and squeezing each other’s ass as they drove each other closer and closer to orgasm. This was incredible!

They came together, or almost together, the blonde’s orgasm seeming to trigger the redhead’s. They lay in each other’s arms as the man rose to slip out of his elegant suit.

He joined them on the bed. his cock already hard and huge. First one, then the other sucked it for him as he lay back against the headboard. Then he fucked first the redhead, then the blonde, then switched back and forth a couple of times, as the one who wasn’t being fucked joined in too, thrusting her breasts in his face or running her nails across his chest teasingly.

He seemed to have the stamina of a stallion, and when he finally came, it was in the redhead’s pussy, with the blonde watching and writhing over the redhead’s lapping tongue. AU three seemed to come together in a harmonious trio of sexual explosions.

They sipped another drink together, and then the couple slipped back into their clothes. Before they left, he handed their lovely hostess a small blue envelope. I silently said goodbye to them as they walked out the door, fervently hoping that I’d see them again sometime very soon.

It’s been months now since I’ve started watching, and I’m not nearly as lonely now. My rooftop is heaven on earth, and my next-door neighbor continues to provide fuel for my voyeuristic fantasies. I’ve found ways to pull back the curtain and peek into the secret lives of those around me, and I love every moment of it. My happiness knows no bounds.

" />

The Night Watchman

  • 1


I watched as the beautiful young woman slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a lacy black bra and creamy white skin. Maybe I should have turned away, or gone into the outer room, but I didn’t. Instead, I sat there in my darkened apartment, gazing across the air shaft at my sexy young neighbor.

I’ve always been shy. Although I’d had a couple of relationships in the small Southern city where I grew up, approaching women had never been easy for me. My work involves the artificial-intelligence aspects of computers. so even there I’m pretty much solitary — me and the computers.

Moving to New York City last summer didn’t help. A job offer in my field was just too good to pass by, and I came to the Big Apple. Everything in New York seemed to move so fast. I’d been in the city for almost two months and, except for the few people I worked with, I hadn’t met anybody. Certainly no women.

So I was alone in my apartment that summer night, with all the windows open to catch a stray breeze. The lights were off, and the girl in the apartment across the air shaft didn’t even know I was there. I’d seen her once before. just a few days earlier, when she’d moved into the building. She was tall and slender. with long black hair that she wore in a braid down her back.

I could see her clearly now. Her apartment was dark. but the street lamp that shone through her front window cast shadowy but clear light on her lovely body. I was looking at her beautiful breasts. which strained against her filmy black bra, her nipples making dark little circles against the lacy fabric. She finished unbuttoning her blouse and slipped out of it. absentmindedly tossing it aside. With her arms straight up over her head. she arched her back and stretched, catlike, as if she were getting the kinks out.

Her motions caused her large breasts to jut out and swell over the top of her bra, her nipples even more prominent now against the black lace. Then she reached around behind her to undo it, and in a graceful movement, it fell away.

I almost gasped Her breasts  were so beautiful — full and firm and creamy white, with large nipples, which were a dark pink. Leaning her head back and parting her lips. she very gently, very softly brushed her fingertips over those lovely mounds. starting underneath them, moving up along the full. creamy sides and then flicking her fingertips across her nipples.

My cock was starting to throb. 1 reached down to unzip my jeans. I’d never even dreamed of doing anything like this, and it was more of a turn-on than I could have imagined. Slowly, as I watched her, I drew my shaft out of my pants. As she stroked her breasts and tickled her nipples, I imagined her touching my cock that way, and it rose harder and higher.

Her long black braid was now hanging down across her left breast, she unfastened the clip that held it. Before long her breasts were shadowed with a veil of her loosened ebony hair. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have that long hair trailing across my body. across my cock.

The girl eased herself out of her jeans to expose skimpy red panties, then slipped them down her legs and stepped out of them. Sitting back on the edge of her bed, she opened her legs, and I could see a tidy little triangle of fluffy black hair. In the midst of her dark patch, the pink lips of her pussy peeked out.

Her hands trailed their way down from her breasts and moved slowly across her stomach, caressed her thighs and finally came to rest in the pink heart of her silky bush. Her face was a mask of what seemed to be both ecstasy and agony as her fingers made gentle little circles around the glistening nub of her clit. It was all slick and wet now, and she was moaning softly in time to the movements of her hands.

As her hips undulated on the bed, her breasts swayed under their veil of long, shiny black hair. Her full lips were parted, and her tongue grazed them as if it were lapping at an imaginary lover. Her moans echoed in the air shaft and reached a crescendo. With both hands she gripped her pussy as her hips thrust up and she screamed out in release.

Then she fell back on the bed, looking exhausted. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, I reached down to take my cock in my hands. It was hot and ready, and I stroked it faster and faster. As I came, I stared at the girl’s open pussy. which was still glistening in the shadowy light, and wished my cock was inside her. She apparently had no boyfriends, and I wondered if she was as lonely as I. Could she be?

Night after night I sat in the silence and watched. Sometimes she just undressed for bed and slipped beneath the sheet, and other nights she lingeringly masturbated as I did the same.

That summer was a scorcher in the city. and 1 spent lots of my free time in Central Park. One Sunday afternoon, I found myself a shady spot well out of the way of the bike riders and picnickers. I stretched out on a bed of lush grass under a huge tree and dozed off.

Soft cries and gentle whispers invaded my slumber. Some sixth sense told me not to move or get up. I opened my eyes and looked around. Only a few feet away, partly masked by some bushes, was a couple sitting on the grass and kissing each other. I was pretty sure they hadn’t seen me, and if I didn’t move a muscle, they weren’t likely to. I thought briefly about getting up and leaving, even if it caused them some momentary embarrassment. But my desire to watch them won, and I decided to secretly take part in their lives just as I had done with my lovely neighbor.

They were both young. The man had dark, curly brown hair, and his muscular body was deeply tanned. The woman had long curly hair the color of gold, and big blue eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous. And that was with her clothes still on.

Murmuring what sounded like pleas and encouragement into her ear, he was slowly undressing her. She seemed reluctant, as though maybe this was her first time. The thought sent a jolt of sexual electricity to my cock.

They sat on the thick green grass, facing almost directly toward where I was hidden. He was behind her, and his hands reached around her to slowly lift off her white t-shirt. She wore no bra, and as more of her flesh came into view, I could see her pale, creamy skin, with a blue vein showing faintly beneath the surface of one breast.

Her breasts were not large, but they were perfectly shaped and firm, with pink and perky nipples the size of quarters. Sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead and cast golden points of light on her milk-white skin.

Her t-shirt was tossed away, and her lover’s hands encircled her slim waist, stroking her stomach, caressing her sides and moving slowly up toward her compact little tits. She was moaning in pleasure as he touched her, and as his hands neared their goal, she took a deep breath and thrust her breasts out. Her partner’s hands cupped their roundness and closed over them. She groaned with pleasure as he rolled her swollen little pink nipples between his thumbs and fingers.

Now he turned her around to face him. He buried his head in her breasts, taking one and then the other in his mouth and sucking on her nipples. Her head fell back and swayed. her blonde curls swinging in the flickering sunlight. It was the most beautiful and sensual sight I’d ever seen.

My cock was aching now and fighting the constraint of my jeans, but I dared not move to free it. They were only a few feet away. and I didn’t want them to know there was a third party to their lovemaking.

The man helped the woman out of her shorts. then pulled his own jeans off. His cock was huge and hard. and she gasped and looked away with a blush when she saw it. He leaned forward and murmured something in her ear. Whatever it was. it seemed to calm her. and she lay back on the grass. gazing up at him with a little smile, and opened her legs to him.

I could tell he was burning to plunge his cock into her golden and pink pussy, but before he did he leaned down to lick her and lovingly buried his dark, curly head between her long white legs. By the time he pulled away, her hips were arching up in a silent plea for more. She looked ready.

And he certainly was. He knelt between her legs and put her small hands on his huge dick. urging her to guide it home. She did, and she gasped and moaned and cried out as she took his swollen shaft, inch by inch.

With his hands on her breasts and her hands reaching out 10 grasp his hips. he let the rhythm of his movements increase in speed as he fucked her. They came together. her long white legs wrapped around his body, his arms holding her tightly to him. As they were getting dressed I noticed a little trickle of blood on the inside of one of her inner thighs, and I was thrilled by the realization that she had indeed been a virgin. She seemed quite happy to have changed that condition.

When they left, I could finally let my own cock spring free of its denim prison. It took only a few strokes for me to squirt my juices into the warm breeze of summer.

I strolled through Central Park that afternoon with a big smile for everyone. As I was hiking along through a thick stand of trees, I noticed a couple of bird-watchers intently gazing up into the trees with their binoculars. Hmm, I thought, why not?

The next day, after work, I went shopping for a good pair of binoculars. I tried them out and discovered that they could make something a couple of blocks away seem almost close enough to reach out and touch.

That night I put on a black t-shirt and dark jeans and went up to the roof of my building. I discovered a magical world up there: From the shadowy privacy of the rooftop, I could see into dozens of lighted windows in the apartment buildings across the street. In the back I gazed into several rear windows opening onto a garden.

I’d grown up in a suburban neighborhood where nobody ever lifted their bedroom shades, but I guess maybe that’s because they were almost always on the ground floor. New Yorkers, living in apartments that are often many stories above the ground, seemed to leave their curtains open all the time. I felt a surge of gratitude and excitement because of that.

Leaning on the parapet of the roof, I scanned the windows with my binoculars. Mostly I saw only the mundane acts of ordinary life — people in their pajamas getting ready for bed, lots of couch potatoes watching TV, and kids doing their homework.

Still scanning with my binoculars, I came across a window that caught my interest. I focused on the couple behind the window. They looked as though they were on a stage. performing for me: so close it seemed strange that I couldn’t hear them as well as I could see them.

I felt a little disappointment when I realized that they were just finishing up. The woman slipped into a silk kimono, so that I caught only a glimpse of her naked body: long legs, full breasts, creamy skin with a sprinkle of freckles, and curly red hair. He was more or less non-descript. a businessman type, and I wondered how so ordinary a guy rated so beautiful a young woman.

He left, and she fixed herself a drink, glancing at her watch every couple of minutes. Then she reacted to a sound I couldn’t hear and went to the door to let someone in. Another man. I realized then that I was watching a gorgeous professional on what looked to be a busy night. With a grin of anticipation, I leaned forward on my elbows, steadying my binoculars and peering into her secret world.

The man who arrived wore a suit. He was short, balding and on the pudgy side. He took a money clip from his pocket and handed over several bills. She took them with a smile, and then, with a deft movement, dropped her silk kimono. The quick glance I’d managed before hadn’t done justice to this young lady’s beauty.

She was tall and stately, with full, firm breasts and nipples that were a dusty rose in color. Her curly profusion of hair was red and so was her bush. Her legs were long and slim.

The pudgy man got out of his suit as quickly as he could, and I could see that his penis was already hard. Not very big, but hard.

She moved to him and arched her back to thrust her large breasts into his face. He buried his face between them, grasping one in each hand, and moved his head back and forth. Then he started sucking first one large nipple, and then the other. This guy looked like he was in heaven — and so was I.

As he knelt before the gorgeous redhead as though he were worshiping her, I could see his tongue reach out to lick her full red bush as she opened her legs a little. His hands were wrapped around her bottom, and he kept licking her. She glanced at her watch and said something to him.

He got up, and she moved to the bed, lay back and opened her legs invitingly. All this with a smile on her face. He grabbed her breasts in his pudgy little hands and sank forward between her legs, thrusting his cock into her. It was over almost before it began, and he hurried to get into his clothes, looking embarrassed now that he was even there. She smiled him out the door and glanced at her watch again.

Somebody special was apparently expected next, for she threw off her kimono and disappeared into another room. I saw the small bathroom window begin to steam up, and I guessed she was taking a shower. Once back in the bedroom, she sat at a vanity and put on makeup. She gazed at herself and reached for a bottle of perfume, dabbing some here and there. While brushing her hair and primping, she glanced again at her watch.

Whoever was coming to call, I was as anxious for him to a1Tive as she seemed to be. Before long I saw her react to the doorbell. Instead of a lone man. it was a couple! He was tall and rugged-looking, with dark hair sprinkled with silver at his temples. The woman was petite and blonde. They were both dressed very elegantly, as though this was the last stop in an evening out on the town. dressed to the nines.

The gorgeous redhead fixed them each a drink, and the threesome relaxed and chatted for a while. Then, as the man sat and sipped a glass of white wine. his companion slipped out of her clothes. and the redhead flung aside her silk robe.

The man watched as the women climbed onto the big bed. The blonde had small. shapely breasts with perky pink nipples, and she leaned back against the padded headboard as her companion knelt before her. caressing the blonde’s breasts. The redhead trailed her long scarlet nails down across her partner’s white skin, tickling, stroking, and I could see the little blonde’s mouth open in a cry of pleasure.

As the man watched, the redhead squeezed the other woman’s breasts, holding them in her hands so that both nipples were sticking out. The blonde looked vulnerable and tantalizing at the same time. The redhead leaned forward to take one nipple and then the other in her mouth, as the recipient of this wonderful sensual attention writhed and moaned on the bed.

Then the man said something, leaning forward and gesturing, and the two women changed position. Apparently he wanted his lady to play with the redhead’s large breasts. The blonde leaned forward with her hands behind her and did it all with her mouth. 1 caught a glimpse of her pink tongue reaching out to lick the fullness of the redhead’s freckle-sprinkled, creamy breasts. Her large nipples were already puffed up and swollen, and the little blonde licked one and then the other, teasing them. as the redhead arched her back, thrusting her breasts forward. I could see one large nipple disappear into the blonde’s mouth to be rhythmically sucked and tongued.

The watching man gave another instruction, and now the blonde lay on her back with her legs wide open, and the redhead lay down on top of her and facing the other way, in the sixty-nine position. Mouths met pussies as the women moved in passion. They were caressing and squeezing each other’s ass as they drove each other closer and closer to orgasm. This was incredible!

They came together, or almost together, the blonde’s orgasm seeming to trigger the redhead’s. They lay in each other’s arms as the man rose to slip out of his elegant suit.

He joined them on the bed. his cock already hard and huge. First one, then the other sucked it for him as he lay back against the headboard. Then he fucked first the redhead, then the blonde, then switched back and forth a couple of times, as the one who wasn’t being fucked joined in too, thrusting her breasts in his face or running her nails across his chest teasingly.

He seemed to have the stamina of a stallion, and when he finally came, it was in the redhead’s pussy, with the blonde watching and writhing over the redhead’s lapping tongue. AU three seemed to come together in a harmonious trio of sexual explosions.

They sipped another drink together, and then the couple slipped back into their clothes. Before they left, he handed their lovely hostess a small blue envelope. I silently said goodbye to them as they walked out the door, fervently hoping that I’d see them again sometime very soon.

It’s been months now since I’ve started watching, and I’m not nearly as lonely now. My rooftop is heaven on earth, and my next-door neighbor continues to provide fuel for my voyeuristic fantasies. I’ve found ways to pull back the curtain and peek into the secret lives of those around me, and I love every moment of it. My happiness knows no bounds.


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