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A lucky cuckold is a captive audience for his dominant wife’s amorous adventures, which trigger his own explosive climax.

Watching my sweet Celia fuck someone else is the most intoxicating thing I can imagine. It doesn’t even have to happen — just thinking about her doing the deed with someone else gets me hard; it puts a serious hurt on my dick.

One night we went out to dinner, and she started power-flirting with the young man who was our waiter. He was pretty good-looking. Tall, broad shoulders, sun-bleached blond hair — a real beach boy. He said his name was Brad, and I rolled my eyes, thinking,Of course it is.Celia sure seemed to like him, though. She kept him at our table for 15 minutes, while she kept finding excuses to touch his hand. She asked him to walk her through each special, keeping her eyes locked on his as he spoke.

“So, how would I get the meat out of those little shells?” she purred, tapping a picture of a seafood dish on the menu with one long red-polished talon. “Do I suck it out? Is that what I should do, Brad?”

The poor guy looked turned on out of his mind — and also a little intimidated by the strange, beautiful lady who was verbally torturing him.

“Well, yeah, I mean…you could suck it out, sure,” he stammered.

“Should plan on doing some sucking tonight?” Celia asked with faux innocence. The flirt actually batted her eyes at the boy. “Is that what you’re telling me, Brad?”

Blushing deeply, he swallowed hard and replied, “If that’s what you’re in the mood for.”

As he scampered off to the kitchen, Celia licked the rim of her wineglass and murmured, “I’d fuck the crap out of him.”

That did me in. I had to excuse myself and go jack off in the restroom, imagining slinky Celia with Brad’s fat dick in her mouth and dragging her nails down his thick thighs with a slow, agonizing rhythm before she forced pulsations of beach-boy jism between her red lips.

When I returned to the table, I found a very businesslike young lady introducing herself to my spouse. Kristina explained she would be taking care of us for the rest of the evening.

“I’m sure you will,” Celia gloated, looking her latest prey up and down.

My wife is pretty versatile.

Celia is a couple of years older than me, just enough to fire up all those MILF fantasies I shouldn’t be having — even at my age. Her red hair is short and naturally curly. It’s probably a good thing she’s as petite as she is. If she were a tall girl, she’d be a true Amazon — and completely unstoppable. I probably don’t even need to mention at this point that she’s a hardcore dominant. I have never once fucked Celia — I don’t think anyone has. I have been fucked by her, mind you, many times, as have countless Brads and Kristinas.

Maybe that’s one reason why I’m glad to be a cuck.

Trust me, letting Celia use you for her pleasure is absolute bliss, but it’s also exhausting. Watching her fuck someone else is a delicious way for me to have an extra dose of Celia while keeping my balls — and my sanity — intact.

Let me tell you about our most recent adventure. This particular tale started one night at our townhouse downtown, when I was woken out of a deep sleep by a cry that could only be called orgasmic. I got up in a bleary-eyed daze, not even sure where I was, at first. The last thing I remembered, Celia had been on her way out to meet a friend for coffee. That could mean any number of things, but I’d had a rough day, and at the time I was more interested in getting some sleep.

I had been snoozing in a spare room that connects to our master bedroom by a narrow door. We use it mostly as an office, but we also keep a bed there because my snoring drives Celia absolutely crazy — and when I’m truly exhausted like I was that night I know I won’t be a quiet sleeper.

From the master bedroom, it’s easy to think the door led to a closet. But if the door is opened just right I can see into the bedroom from the spare bed. At the moment, the door was closed. Then a moment later I heard another cry. It seemed loud enough to shake the walls. It was undoubtedly female and undoubtedly a cry of pleasure. Intrigued, I got up, tiptoed over to the door and eased it open so I could take a look.

Sure enough, Celia was in there having fun — and had left the light on. I’m not sure whether the girl she was in bed with was the friend she’d gone to meet or if she was a stranger. She was as petite as my wife and completely naked, with sun-kissed skin and hair in a platinum blonde bob. That little beauty was on her back with her legs up in the air. I couldn’t help but notice her nipples, which were a deep coral pink — and every bit as stiff as my dick was getting.

Celia had her face buried between the blonde’s legs and was indulging her occasional predilection for giving a partner mind-numbing oral pleasure. The blonde was loving it, rocking her body from side to side and occasionally releasing one of those tantalizing wails. She seemed to be experiencing an itch she couldn’t quite scratch and was being driven crazy by it. That was probably the case, actually — one of Celia’s signature moves when giving head is to tongue a clit or cock to full erection and keep licking it with a quick, swiping rhythm that’s as torturous as it is pleasurable. Blondie kept patting the bed with her hands in a quick, nervous motion, as though she would have dearly loved to dig her nails into Celia’s scalp and force her even more deeply into her pleasure center.

I watched eagerly, my hand moving slowly to my crotch where a full hard-on had sprouted. Celia and I have an agreement about her “extracurricular activities.” That is, she can do what she wants to whomever she wants, as long as I get to watch and am reasonably discreet about it. Had she deliberately brought Blondie in to give me a show? Maybe. Then again, she may not have known I was in the spare room; there was an equal chance I might have been on the upper floor in the TV room.

At any rate, I was preparing to enjoy some nice quiet me-time there in the doorway, then slip back to my bed with the box of tissue I kept on the night table. Unfortunately — or maybe most fortunately, given what happened later — it was not to be. Whether the door creaked or I let out a poorly timed grunt, I’m not sure. In any case, Blondie’s eyes locked on mine, and she gave another squeal — this one of shock rather than pleasure. Celia’s head snapped up, and when our eyes connected a cloud came over her lovely face.

“Sorry,” I whispered apologetically as I  I closed the door.

I scampered back to the bed. But suddenly the door burst open, and I had two women clambering over me, laughing and groping my still-hard cock.

“Not so fast, you horny little bastard,” Celia gloated. “You want to spy on the nymphs, you have to pay the price!”

I was glad she wasn’t angry, and I wasn’t so old I couldn’t appreciate being felt up by two lovelies. Still, they were pretty aggressive. In a matter of seconds they had me right where they wanted me — helpless on the bed with Blondie kneeling on my outstretched arms and happily pinching my nipples, while Celia straddled my cock, slowly sliding her wet pussy along its length again and again.

“So Roger,” Celia purred. “I’d like to introduce you to Terri.”

“Hi!” Blondie squeaked. “Hope you don’t mind your wife sucking my pussy.”

“Oh, he doesn’t mind,” Celia assured her. “He likes it. You saw him there in the doorway, rubbing his dick. But what he really likes” — she paused a moment to roll her eyes and groan as my dick hit a sweet spot along her slit — “is to watch me fuck other guys.”

“Ohh, so he’s a cuck!” Terri cried, continuing to pinch and squeeze my poor nipples. They have a tendency to get not just stiff but really big when they’re played with, and in their current state of engorgement they seemed to utterly fascinate Celia’s friend.

“That’s not true!” I protested, squirming uncomfortably. Of course, it was perfectly true. I just didn’t particularly like admitting it. Of course, my case wasn’t exactly helped by my cock, which was rock-hard. “If some stud came in here and made a move on you, I’d punch his lights out!” I said stoutly.

“Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much,” Celia jeered. “Really, Roger, how long have we been married? You know nothing gets this cock of yours hard like watching me take six inches of another man’s meat into any of my holes.”

“Why don’t you take my six inches right now?” I replied, practically panting. All of our talk had succeeded in getting me hornier than I had been in months. At that moment, I would have been perfectly happy if my wife just impaled herself on me and fucked the hell out of me there on the bed with sweet little Terri teasing my nips the whole time.

“More like six millimeters,” Celia snickered, giving me a nipple-pinch of her own. “Well, if you’re going to be so macho, I think we ought to put you to the test! Hold him, Terri!”

Celia climbed off me, giving my aching, juice-smeared cock a quick kiss as consolation. I made a show of trying to escape, but Terri wasn’t having it. She wrapped her legs around my shoulders, holding me down while Celia pulled out a box of toys we kept under the bed.

“What are you going to do?” I asked, forcing a perfectly ridiculous quaver into my voice.

“Just you wait and see,” Celia said, coming up with a handful of cuffs and ropes. With Terri’s help, she soon had me bound spread-eagled to the bed. Occasionally my two nymphs adjusted my position, one of them darting out to the other room to make sure I’d enjoy an unobstructed view of our marital bedroom through the discretely cracked door.

By then I had a pretty good idea what they were up to, but by then I was also quite helpless. All I could do was watch.

“So,” Celia said finally, standing over me with her hands on her hips. “Here’s the deal, darling. You say you’d go mad with jealousy if a man came in here and fucked me. Well, in just a few minutes, a man will be here to do exactly that. Good thing you’re tied down, huh?” She laughed, running a teasing fingertip down my belly to the head of my dick, which was leaking pre-come. “Otherwise you might hurt him! And you certainly wouldn’t get excited about it, even with Terri here playing with your cock. So, if you make it through the whole ordeal without popping a hard-on — or popping your nuts — you’ll get a nice reward. Let’s say Terri will give you on-demand blowjobs for the next month!”

“Oohh,” Terri purred.

Bless her heart, it sounded like she liked the idea very much.

“On the other hand, if you do get excited by the sight of my pussy being poked — if you, let’s say, empty your balls all over Terri’s clever little hand — then we’ll know you were lying. In that case, I think I’d have to tie you up each time Terri comes over to visit. And maybe I’ll have to tell her all of your worst tickle-spots to sweeten the deal.”

“Oohh,” Terri said again, this time with a wide-eyed, sadistic smile that actually did make me a little nervous.

“I think we should talk this over first,” I stammered.

“Too late!” Celia said, sauntering back into our bedroom with a hip-swinging stride. “I’m just going to make a phone call. Terri, keep him busy, would you?”

By the time I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, Terri had tickled, teased and tortured my helpless body with every kind of pleasurable agony imaginable — and then some. Even if I had been raging with murderous desire to confront my wife’s lover, her little blonde pet had handily brought me to a state of such intense excitement I couldn’t think about much else.

When we heard floorboards creaking and soft laughter in the master bedroom, Terri leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Now, be a good boy.”

I knew what she meant: Don’t shout, don’t make noise, don’t do anything that would let Celia’s visitor know we were there. I nodded dumbly, and Terri sweetened the deal with a little kiss on my earlobe. Then we both settled back in the darkness to watch, with Terri’s small hand creeping over to toy with my dick.

It was frustrating because, as I said, I could see into our now dimly lit bedroom through the cracked door — but it was hard to make out the details at first. But I did catch glimpses of Celia’s stud, and I actually recognized him! He was a local realtor named Andrew, who’d dropped by once to try to get us interested in selling our townhouse. We hadn’t been — but Celia had taken an interest in him. I’d gathered they’d broken bread together on several occasions afterward — and did who knows what else. By that point she probably had him on speed dial. Like our friend Brad from the restaurant, he was tall and good-looking, but Andrew had dark reddish-brown hair and a body that looked like it benefitted from regular visits to the gym.

Peeking through the crack, I caught flashes of images. I witnessed my wife relieving Andrew of his shirt and then his pants. I saw Celia kneeling before him and working his boxers down to reveal a very healthy-sized cock. Something about the sight of her naked back facing me, her bare soles peeping out under her round ass, drove me absolutely nuts. There was a sense of submission there that she’d never shown me in all our years of marriage, like she was this young guy’s maidservant and was desperate to please him. I read genuine excitement in her motions and the way she lapped at his stiff meat. 

My own growing arousal must have been evident because Terri’s touch suddenly became firmer. Her fingertips had been teasing my sensitive dickhead, causing a sweet itch that was maddening. Now her fingers closed tightly around my shaft and began tugging. There was no lube on my cock, unless you count a little slick pre-come that had dribbled down from the head. Terri was holding me too tightly to allow me to come, but man, oh, man, that hand felt good. I couldn’t help but groan, which triggered my taskmistress to deliver a stern, “Shhh.”

Out in the bedroom, Celia was taking her time pleasuring her visitor. Andrew stood there with his shoulders back and his eyes shut, his hands placed awkwardly on Celia’s head. When he finally popped — he didn’t last as long as I was expecting him to — my wife’s head began bobbing briskly. Then she was licking the last of the ropey strands of come from his dickhead. The sight of her doing that made my toes curl. The sensation of Celia’s talented tongue must have made him wild.Fuck him,I thought.Do him good. Drive him crazy.

And eventually she did. A little while later, he had her down on the floor, both of them laughing as he nuzzled her throat. His ass twitched as he positioned himself to shove his dick inside her. When he finally slid home, Celia released a plaintive cry. It gradually changed to a series of low grunts as her body jerked, seemingly trying to open itself up so she could take as much of Andrew inside herself as possible. God, it was hot.

“Sure feels like someone likes what they’re seeing,” Terri whispered to me cattily. Her hand had eased up on the death grip. She’d found a bottle of lube on the bedside table, and a moment later my cock was swimming in the stuff, making little slurping sounds as Terri let it slide through her fist again and again. This was even more maddening than what she’d been doing to my dickhead.

“Say you like it,” Terri whispered, her sweetly soft voice as close to nasty as it could get. “Come on, Roger. You say it, and I’ll let you go boom!”

I didn’t doubt that she could keep me in this state of lovely, burning torment as long as she wanted. My balls were throbbing, but the sheer amount of lube Terri had slathered on my prick put me wholly at her mercy.

By that point, Andrew must have come a second time because Celia had climbed on top of him. I couldn’t see much but a twisting, churning mass of skin and limbs, both my wife and her lover reduced to some kind of primal, urgent fuck-monster. It made me nuts. I bounced my ass on the bed, making one last effort to escape Terri’s control and come on my own, but it wasn’t working.

I stared at the spectacle of Celia and Andrew and listened to the sounds they were making. My wife with this young guy. I can’t explain why, but it put me over the moon.

“I like it,” I panted. “I fucking love it. I love it!”

Terri tightened her fingers on my shaft again. At the same time, she nuzzled my ear and sank her white teeth into my lobe. The burst of pain put me over the edge, and I felt my balls pumping out a maximum-sized load that seemed like it would never stop. I had to clench my jaw to keep from crying out.

Finally — somehow — it was over. I might have passed out briefly because the next thing I knew, smiling Celia was standing over my prone, helpless body. She had put on her favorite robe, but hadn’t tied it. I could smell Andrew’s jizz on her.

Terri was still there with me as well, stroking my hair. Celia leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson, bad boy,” she said, eyes sparkling. “I’m going to take Andrew downstairs and give him a little drinky-poo before he leaves. As for you,” she said, switching her attention to Terri. “Why don’t you start with what I like to call the Three Bs: balls, belly button and the bottoms of the feet?”

It took me a moment to realize what she was talking about. Then I remembered our bet, and that I had lost — and I had a long episode of tickling in my future.

“Oh no,” I muttered, squirming in my bonds. But it did me no good. Terri was already reaching for my lube-smeared nads with a wicked grin.

That was — it shouldn’t surprise you to hear — a very long evening.

" />

Teased and Pleased


A lucky cuckold is a captive audience for his dominant wife’s amorous adventures, which trigger his own explosive climax.

Watching my sweet Celia fuck someone else is the most intoxicating thing I can imagine. It doesn’t even have to happen — just thinking about her doing the deed with someone else gets me hard; it puts a serious hurt on my dick.

One night we went out to dinner, and she started power-flirting with the young man who was our waiter. He was pretty good-looking. Tall, broad shoulders, sun-bleached blond hair — a real beach boy. He said his name was Brad, and I rolled my eyes, thinking,Of course it is.Celia sure seemed to like him, though. She kept him at our table for 15 minutes, while she kept finding excuses to touch his hand. She asked him to walk her through each special, keeping her eyes locked on his as he spoke.

“So, how would I get the meat out of those little shells?” she purred, tapping a picture of a seafood dish on the menu with one long red-polished talon. “Do I suck it out? Is that what I should do, Brad?”

The poor guy looked turned on out of his mind — and also a little intimidated by the strange, beautiful lady who was verbally torturing him.

“Well, yeah, I mean…you could suck it out, sure,” he stammered.

“Should plan on doing some sucking tonight?” Celia asked with faux innocence. The flirt actually batted her eyes at the boy. “Is that what you’re telling me, Brad?”

Blushing deeply, he swallowed hard and replied, “If that’s what you’re in the mood for.”

As he scampered off to the kitchen, Celia licked the rim of her wineglass and murmured, “I’d fuck the crap out of him.”

That did me in. I had to excuse myself and go jack off in the restroom, imagining slinky Celia with Brad’s fat dick in her mouth and dragging her nails down his thick thighs with a slow, agonizing rhythm before she forced pulsations of beach-boy jism between her red lips.

When I returned to the table, I found a very businesslike young lady introducing herself to my spouse. Kristina explained she would be taking care of us for the rest of the evening.

“I’m sure you will,” Celia gloated, looking her latest prey up and down.

My wife is pretty versatile.

Celia is a couple of years older than me, just enough to fire up all those MILF fantasies I shouldn’t be having — even at my age. Her red hair is short and naturally curly. It’s probably a good thing she’s as petite as she is. If she were a tall girl, she’d be a true Amazon — and completely unstoppable. I probably don’t even need to mention at this point that she’s a hardcore dominant. I have never once fucked Celia — I don’t think anyone has. I have been fucked by her, mind you, many times, as have countless Brads and Kristinas.

Maybe that’s one reason why I’m glad to be a cuck.

Trust me, letting Celia use you for her pleasure is absolute bliss, but it’s also exhausting. Watching her fuck someone else is a delicious way for me to have an extra dose of Celia while keeping my balls — and my sanity — intact.

Let me tell you about our most recent adventure. This particular tale started one night at our townhouse downtown, when I was woken out of a deep sleep by a cry that could only be called orgasmic. I got up in a bleary-eyed daze, not even sure where I was, at first. The last thing I remembered, Celia had been on her way out to meet a friend for coffee. That could mean any number of things, but I’d had a rough day, and at the time I was more interested in getting some sleep.

I had been snoozing in a spare room that connects to our master bedroom by a narrow door. We use it mostly as an office, but we also keep a bed there because my snoring drives Celia absolutely crazy — and when I’m truly exhausted like I was that night I know I won’t be a quiet sleeper.

From the master bedroom, it’s easy to think the door led to a closet. But if the door is opened just right I can see into the bedroom from the spare bed. At the moment, the door was closed. Then a moment later I heard another cry. It seemed loud enough to shake the walls. It was undoubtedly female and undoubtedly a cry of pleasure. Intrigued, I got up, tiptoed over to the door and eased it open so I could take a look.

Sure enough, Celia was in there having fun — and had left the light on. I’m not sure whether the girl she was in bed with was the friend she’d gone to meet or if she was a stranger. She was as petite as my wife and completely naked, with sun-kissed skin and hair in a platinum blonde bob. That little beauty was on her back with her legs up in the air. I couldn’t help but notice her nipples, which were a deep coral pink — and every bit as stiff as my dick was getting.

Celia had her face buried between the blonde’s legs and was indulging her occasional predilection for giving a partner mind-numbing oral pleasure. The blonde was loving it, rocking her body from side to side and occasionally releasing one of those tantalizing wails. She seemed to be experiencing an itch she couldn’t quite scratch and was being driven crazy by it. That was probably the case, actually — one of Celia’s signature moves when giving head is to tongue a clit or cock to full erection and keep licking it with a quick, swiping rhythm that’s as torturous as it is pleasurable. Blondie kept patting the bed with her hands in a quick, nervous motion, as though she would have dearly loved to dig her nails into Celia’s scalp and force her even more deeply into her pleasure center.

I watched eagerly, my hand moving slowly to my crotch where a full hard-on had sprouted. Celia and I have an agreement about her “extracurricular activities.” That is, she can do what she wants to whomever she wants, as long as I get to watch and am reasonably discreet about it. Had she deliberately brought Blondie in to give me a show? Maybe. Then again, she may not have known I was in the spare room; there was an equal chance I might have been on the upper floor in the TV room.

At any rate, I was preparing to enjoy some nice quiet me-time there in the doorway, then slip back to my bed with the box of tissue I kept on the night table. Unfortunately — or maybe most fortunately, given what happened later — it was not to be. Whether the door creaked or I let out a poorly timed grunt, I’m not sure. In any case, Blondie’s eyes locked on mine, and she gave another squeal — this one of shock rather than pleasure. Celia’s head snapped up, and when our eyes connected a cloud came over her lovely face.

“Sorry,” I whispered apologetically as I  I closed the door.

I scampered back to the bed. But suddenly the door burst open, and I had two women clambering over me, laughing and groping my still-hard cock.

“Not so fast, you horny little bastard,” Celia gloated. “You want to spy on the nymphs, you have to pay the price!”

I was glad she wasn’t angry, and I wasn’t so old I couldn’t appreciate being felt up by two lovelies. Still, they were pretty aggressive. In a matter of seconds they had me right where they wanted me — helpless on the bed with Blondie kneeling on my outstretched arms and happily pinching my nipples, while Celia straddled my cock, slowly sliding her wet pussy along its length again and again.

“So Roger,” Celia purred. “I’d like to introduce you to Terri.”

“Hi!” Blondie squeaked. “Hope you don’t mind your wife sucking my pussy.”

“Oh, he doesn’t mind,” Celia assured her. “He likes it. You saw him there in the doorway, rubbing his dick. But what he really likes” — she paused a moment to roll her eyes and groan as my dick hit a sweet spot along her slit — “is to watch me fuck other guys.”

“Ohh, so he’s a cuck!” Terri cried, continuing to pinch and squeeze my poor nipples. They have a tendency to get not just stiff but really big when they’re played with, and in their current state of engorgement they seemed to utterly fascinate Celia’s friend.

“That’s not true!” I protested, squirming uncomfortably. Of course, it was perfectly true. I just didn’t particularly like admitting it. Of course, my case wasn’t exactly helped by my cock, which was rock-hard. “If some stud came in here and made a move on you, I’d punch his lights out!” I said stoutly.

“Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much,” Celia jeered. “Really, Roger, how long have we been married? You know nothing gets this cock of yours hard like watching me take six inches of another man’s meat into any of my holes.”

“Why don’t you take my six inches right now?” I replied, practically panting. All of our talk had succeeded in getting me hornier than I had been in months. At that moment, I would have been perfectly happy if my wife just impaled herself on me and fucked the hell out of me there on the bed with sweet little Terri teasing my nips the whole time.

“More like six millimeters,” Celia snickered, giving me a nipple-pinch of her own. “Well, if you’re going to be so macho, I think we ought to put you to the test! Hold him, Terri!”

Celia climbed off me, giving my aching, juice-smeared cock a quick kiss as consolation. I made a show of trying to escape, but Terri wasn’t having it. She wrapped her legs around my shoulders, holding me down while Celia pulled out a box of toys we kept under the bed.

“What are you going to do?” I asked, forcing a perfectly ridiculous quaver into my voice.

“Just you wait and see,” Celia said, coming up with a handful of cuffs and ropes. With Terri’s help, she soon had me bound spread-eagled to the bed. Occasionally my two nymphs adjusted my position, one of them darting out to the other room to make sure I’d enjoy an unobstructed view of our marital bedroom through the discretely cracked door.

By then I had a pretty good idea what they were up to, but by then I was also quite helpless. All I could do was watch.

“So,” Celia said finally, standing over me with her hands on her hips. “Here’s the deal, darling. You say you’d go mad with jealousy if a man came in here and fucked me. Well, in just a few minutes, a man will be here to do exactly that. Good thing you’re tied down, huh?” She laughed, running a teasing fingertip down my belly to the head of my dick, which was leaking pre-come. “Otherwise you might hurt him! And you certainly wouldn’t get excited about it, even with Terri here playing with your cock. So, if you make it through the whole ordeal without popping a hard-on — or popping your nuts — you’ll get a nice reward. Let’s say Terri will give you on-demand blowjobs for the next month!”

“Oohh,” Terri purred.

Bless her heart, it sounded like she liked the idea very much.

“On the other hand, if you do get excited by the sight of my pussy being poked — if you, let’s say, empty your balls all over Terri’s clever little hand — then we’ll know you were lying. In that case, I think I’d have to tie you up each time Terri comes over to visit. And maybe I’ll have to tell her all of your worst tickle-spots to sweeten the deal.”

“Oohh,” Terri said again, this time with a wide-eyed, sadistic smile that actually did make me a little nervous.

“I think we should talk this over first,” I stammered.

“Too late!” Celia said, sauntering back into our bedroom with a hip-swinging stride. “I’m just going to make a phone call. Terri, keep him busy, would you?”

By the time I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, Terri had tickled, teased and tortured my helpless body with every kind of pleasurable agony imaginable — and then some. Even if I had been raging with murderous desire to confront my wife’s lover, her little blonde pet had handily brought me to a state of such intense excitement I couldn’t think about much else.

When we heard floorboards creaking and soft laughter in the master bedroom, Terri leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Now, be a good boy.”

I knew what she meant: Don’t shout, don’t make noise, don’t do anything that would let Celia’s visitor know we were there. I nodded dumbly, and Terri sweetened the deal with a little kiss on my earlobe. Then we both settled back in the darkness to watch, with Terri’s small hand creeping over to toy with my dick.

It was frustrating because, as I said, I could see into our now dimly lit bedroom through the cracked door — but it was hard to make out the details at first. But I did catch glimpses of Celia’s stud, and I actually recognized him! He was a local realtor named Andrew, who’d dropped by once to try to get us interested in selling our townhouse. We hadn’t been — but Celia had taken an interest in him. I’d gathered they’d broken bread together on several occasions afterward — and did who knows what else. By that point she probably had him on speed dial. Like our friend Brad from the restaurant, he was tall and good-looking, but Andrew had dark reddish-brown hair and a body that looked like it benefitted from regular visits to the gym.

Peeking through the crack, I caught flashes of images. I witnessed my wife relieving Andrew of his shirt and then his pants. I saw Celia kneeling before him and working his boxers down to reveal a very healthy-sized cock. Something about the sight of her naked back facing me, her bare soles peeping out under her round ass, drove me absolutely nuts. There was a sense of submission there that she’d never shown me in all our years of marriage, like she was this young guy’s maidservant and was desperate to please him. I read genuine excitement in her motions and the way she lapped at his stiff meat. 

My own growing arousal must have been evident because Terri’s touch suddenly became firmer. Her fingertips had been teasing my sensitive dickhead, causing a sweet itch that was maddening. Now her fingers closed tightly around my shaft and began tugging. There was no lube on my cock, unless you count a little slick pre-come that had dribbled down from the head. Terri was holding me too tightly to allow me to come, but man, oh, man, that hand felt good. I couldn’t help but groan, which triggered my taskmistress to deliver a stern, “Shhh.”

Out in the bedroom, Celia was taking her time pleasuring her visitor. Andrew stood there with his shoulders back and his eyes shut, his hands placed awkwardly on Celia’s head. When he finally popped — he didn’t last as long as I was expecting him to — my wife’s head began bobbing briskly. Then she was licking the last of the ropey strands of come from his dickhead. The sight of her doing that made my toes curl. The sensation of Celia’s talented tongue must have made him wild.Fuck him,I thought.Do him good. Drive him crazy.

And eventually she did. A little while later, he had her down on the floor, both of them laughing as he nuzzled her throat. His ass twitched as he positioned himself to shove his dick inside her. When he finally slid home, Celia released a plaintive cry. It gradually changed to a series of low grunts as her body jerked, seemingly trying to open itself up so she could take as much of Andrew inside herself as possible. God, it was hot.

“Sure feels like someone likes what they’re seeing,” Terri whispered to me cattily. Her hand had eased up on the death grip. She’d found a bottle of lube on the bedside table, and a moment later my cock was swimming in the stuff, making little slurping sounds as Terri let it slide through her fist again and again. This was even more maddening than what she’d been doing to my dickhead.

“Say you like it,” Terri whispered, her sweetly soft voice as close to nasty as it could get. “Come on, Roger. You say it, and I’ll let you go boom!”

I didn’t doubt that she could keep me in this state of lovely, burning torment as long as she wanted. My balls were throbbing, but the sheer amount of lube Terri had slathered on my prick put me wholly at her mercy.

By that point, Andrew must have come a second time because Celia had climbed on top of him. I couldn’t see much but a twisting, churning mass of skin and limbs, both my wife and her lover reduced to some kind of primal, urgent fuck-monster. It made me nuts. I bounced my ass on the bed, making one last effort to escape Terri’s control and come on my own, but it wasn’t working.

I stared at the spectacle of Celia and Andrew and listened to the sounds they were making. My wife with this young guy. I can’t explain why, but it put me over the moon.

“I like it,” I panted. “I fucking love it. I love it!”

Terri tightened her fingers on my shaft again. At the same time, she nuzzled my ear and sank her white teeth into my lobe. The burst of pain put me over the edge, and I felt my balls pumping out a maximum-sized load that seemed like it would never stop. I had to clench my jaw to keep from crying out.

Finally — somehow — it was over. I might have passed out briefly because the next thing I knew, smiling Celia was standing over my prone, helpless body. She had put on her favorite robe, but hadn’t tied it. I could smell Andrew’s jizz on her.

Terri was still there with me as well, stroking my hair. Celia leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson, bad boy,” she said, eyes sparkling. “I’m going to take Andrew downstairs and give him a little drinky-poo before he leaves. As for you,” she said, switching her attention to Terri. “Why don’t you start with what I like to call the Three Bs: balls, belly button and the bottoms of the feet?”

It took me a moment to realize what she was talking about. Then I remembered our bet, and that I had lost — and I had a long episode of tickling in my future.

“Oh no,” I muttered, squirming in my bonds. But it did me no good. Terri was already reaching for my lube-smeared nads with a wicked grin.

That was — it shouldn’t surprise you to hear — a very long evening.


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