What causes yeast infections and how can I prevent them?
Can my boyfriend get a yeast infection, too? — M.W., Indiana
Yeast infections are caused by an overabundance of the fungus candida. Candida is frequently present in healthy individuals, not only on their skin but also in moist areas like the mouth and vagina. It normally only causes infections when the body is out of balance and an over-abundance of the yeast occurs.
This can be caused by lots of things. Antibiotics are a common cause, and introduction of a new lubricant or frequent douching can cause yeast infections, as can improperly cleaned sex toys, dirty fingers or using food items during sex.
Bad diet, not washing new panties before you wear them and too-tight clothes can lead to infections, too. The list of possible causes goes on and on. Yeast infections even occur in celibate women, so they aren’t really STDs.
And yes, you can transmit your yeast infection to your partner. It’s somewhat rare, but it does happen. Symptoms are a rash or irritation and itching or burning on the tip of the penis, frequently around the pee hole (technical term). A male yeast infection can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream.
You and your partner need to go to your doctor to be properly diagnosed. Once you learn your body’s yeast infection symptoms, you can treat future infections with over-the-counter creams like Monistat.
To prevent yeast infections, wear cotton underwear and change out of bathing suits and gym clothes immediately after you’re done swimming or working out. Don’t use douche or scented tampons, and don’t put any sort of scented product on your vagina.
Eat foods with live cultures, like yogurt and kombucha. Foods that use words like “probiotics” are great prevention tools. Wipe front to back, not ass to vag. Make your partner wash their hands before they finger you. Wash your hands and sex toys before you masturbate.
One more pro tip is to use coconut oil as a lube and vaginal moisturizer. It’s not scientifically tested, but a lot of us in the industry use it and it works great. However, coconut oil breaks down latex like any other oil, so only use it when you are playing with yourself or a tested, fluid-bonded partner.
This column doesn’t constitute medical or professional advice. Always consult a qualified health care professional for your medical, psychological, or relationship problems.