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It didn’t take much to convince my wife to indulge my fantasies of watching other men fuck her. Annette admitted from the start that she loved the idea. The thought of some stud’s big cock piercing her, while I looked on, made her absolutely melt. But I had my doubts before I broached the subject. She’s also very shy and gets embarrassed when I talk sexy to her, so I figured I’d have to do at least some cajoling.

When I initially proposed we find another man to service her for our mutual pleasure, she became seriously flustered and told me she had to run to the bathroom. I honestly thought I had upset her with my suggestion.

However, later that night as she lay in my arms, she told me she had actually sat on the toilet masturbating.

“I came three times, Jess,” she whispered, sounding both delighted and amazed.

I knew then it wouldn’t be long before we would make the leap into cuckdom.

Three months later, we were ready to meet a guy we’d found online. He’d arranged to meet us at a motel not far from our town. He was pleasant and seemed very experienced with this kind of scene. The night of our “date” Annette took an unusually long time making herself up. When she finally stepped out of our bedroom at home, she was wearing a brand-new dress and shoes, and her hair and makeup were immaculate. I was freshly stunned by how lovely she looked.

Annette is petite and curvy with short black hair and a sweet, slightly hesitant smile. She’s not a bombshell who oozes sex, but something about her tends to attract men’s attention.

We headed out to the motel and found Randy waiting for us in the room he’d rented. He was tall and muscular with the kind of blond hair that seems almost white. He shook my hand with old-fashioned courtesy and made Annette blush with his understated compliments.

“You folks just relax,” he said, gesturing at the bottle of wine he’d brought. “Have yourselves a drink, and let me do the driving.”

A few minutes later I was relaxing on the bed with a glass of chardonnay, watching excitedly as Randy went to work on my wife. He was just forceful enough to turn on both of us. He began by stroking her hair and murmuring in her ear, then he unzipped her dress.

“You know what I’m gonna do to you now, right?” he murmured. “Gonna fuck you silly, girl. Fuck you straight into next week.”

Annette gasped and squirmed, allowing him to remove the dress and her bra. “So pretty and prissy,” Randy said with a dirty smile. “All clean. Like you just got out of church. I like that. You wouldn’t believe how some of the girls look when they show up here. I can see you’ve got class.”

I think that was about all he said to Annette at that time. Then he got busy unzipping himself. By then she was naked, her pale skin looking luminous. She looked demure and shy, but also eager. She looked like a virgin on her wedding night, waiting to be deflowered. Her nipples were erect, her breasts rising and falling steadily as she breathed. I knew her pussy had to be hot, wet and ready for our new friend. And when Randy eased his cock out of his open fly, it was pretty obvious he was ready for her.

I licked the rim of my wineglass, getting steadily more excited. My own cock felt heavy and was rock-hard in my trousers.

With his dick sticking out of his pants, Randy sat on the edge of the mattress. Annette slid down onto the floor, draping her arms over his thighs, so nothing could interfere with her adoration of his dick. I could see he was bigger than me, though not quite the monster he had hinted at in his emails. Still, Annette could barely fit him in her mouth. She sucked and slurped, energetically lapping at his fat cockhead. Occasionally, she used the edges of her teeth to tease him, nipping gently. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt him, but it was enough to keep him groaning and shifting on the bed. I wondered where she had learned that technique. Had she picked it up from a story she’d read online or one of her sexy paperbacks? Or was it something she’d fantasized about for ages and was only now taking the opportunity to try it out?

Honestly, the enthusiasm with which she went at him surprised me. I never had to beg her to suck me off, but sometimes she seemed a little squeamish about putting my dick in her mouth. She had no such reservations about Randy. She seemed to be putting every ounce of her energy into blowing him.

For his part, Randy seemed somewhat startled by her enthusiasm. He hissed, gasped and murmured things like “goddamn” and “You’re my girl, right? Ain’t ya? Ain’t ya? Oh God!”

Naturally, this was all extremely exciting for me. The show Annette was putting on pretty much mirrored my fantasies. My sweet slut-girl was apparently giving a perfect stranger the best head he’d ever enjoyed in his life. I fucking loved it. By now, I was jacking off openly, puffing and blowing as I worked my meat. I echoed Randy’s murmurs with a few of my own: “Give it to him. Give it to him, yeah. Suck that dick.”

But all of this was just an appetizer for what was coming up. Eventually, Randy made it clear he was ready to move on to the main course. He eased her head from his cock. Standing up, he fully undressed while Annette watched him with hungry eyes.

“Little lady, I hope you’re good and horny, ’cause I’m going to give you the ride of your life,” he said.

By now, Randy was naked. His body was hard, with no trace of fat or softness. I noticed a scar on his thigh, and I wondered how he got it. He pulled a condom from his discarded jeans, liberated it from its package and unhurriedly rolled it onto his shaft.

Annette didn’t get back on the bed. Instead she spread herself out on the floor for him.

She’s going to get fucked right there, I thought. Right there on the dirty floor. Dirty girl.

Somehow that really excited me.

Randy got on top of her, holding her hands over her head. He positioned himself so his latex-sheathed schlong bumped against her slippery slit. She whimpered as he teased her, her hips jerking each time his cock grazed her crotch.

“Want this?” he asked, grinning wolfishly as he continued to tantalize her. “Want this big dick inside you?”

“Yes! Yes, please, sir. Please gimme it!”

Annette’s voice was high-pitched and breathless, but her Southern accent was coming through clearly, as it often did when she was excited.

“And your husband won’t mind?” Randy asked suddenly, turning his grin on me.

It was the first time since they’d started fooling around that he’d acknowledged my presence, and his attention had a strange effect on me. I wanted to make some witty remark, but I couldn’t seem to get my voice to work. I felt strangely humiliated, like the tables were turned and I was a powerless submissive. This stud had me outclassed in every way, yet their encounter excited me so much I’m surprised I didn’t come there and then. My hand was moving so fast on my dick that my erection almost hurt.

“Oh, he…he’s OK with it,” Annette whispered.

But she was so focused on getting Randy’s cock inside her that she barely knew I was there. Again, instead of offending or hurting me, the scenario drove me to still greater heights of arousal.

That was also the moment Randy chose to plunge his tool inside her. Annette’s back arched, and her eyes and mouth opened wide. As her stud filled her up entirely, she let out a loud, “Oh!”

Randy didn’t hold back. He was grinding away at her, swiveling his hips and pushing into her so their pelvises bashed together again and again. The sounds Annette made were incredible; low howls and little moans that could’ve come from an alley cat in heat. I heard nothing from Randy except the steady hissing rush of breath in and out of his nostrils. His lips were pursed in a straight line, and his eyes burned into Annette’s as though his gaze was responsible for keeping her in his thrall.

By then I exploded. Hot come filled my hand and was dripping from my fingers. I lay there panting, reaching for the box of tissue on the bureau so I could clean myself off.

Randy and Annette weren’t done, though. He was gasping and grunting, and Annette was still making weepy, wailing cries until her voice rose in pitch and she let out a squeal. I’m certain her exclamations must have been audible in the next room. She lay writhing on the floor. Her face had gone red, and she looked both mortally embarrassed and happier than I’d ever seen her.

“Well now,” Randy said finally, standing up and gingerly easing off his loaded rubber, “I’d call that a good night’s work. What do you all think?”

Annette and I agreed it was a very good night’s work indeed.

Afterward, Randy and I snagged some beer he’d stashed in the room’s mini fridge and stepped outside while Annette showered and dressed.

“How’d it go for you?” he asked me. “All right?”

I took a deep swig of my beer and watched contentedly as cars drove down the highway outside the motel. I assured him we’d had the time of our lives.

“Well, you’re nice folks,” Randy told me. “How’d you like to take it up a notch?”

I asked him what he meant — a little cautiously, I’ll admit.

Randy asked me if we’d ever heard of “The Lake.” Apparently, it was a local spot legendary among those who enjoyed watching their wives get serviced. It operated strictly by word of mouth. There was no website or forum, no guest list, no phone number. You just had to know where it was and show up with your lady — and maybe a six-pack or two.

“Some nights it’s dead as hell,” Randy said. “I mean, nobody’s around. But other nights…man alive! It’s like being in paradise.”

He scribbled some GPS coordinates on a slip of paper and handed it to me, then popped back into the room to wish Annette a good night. He left me with the room key and told me we could take our time heading out because the place was paid for until the morning. Then he disappeared into the darkness of the parking lot. A minute or two later his truck pulled out, and he beeped the horn twice in salute before joining the cars streaming down the highway.

I thought about my conversation with Randy for a long time before I mentioned it to Annette. By then I had done as much research as I could online, searching every variation I could imagine on “The Lake,” plus “cucking,” “swingers” and “sex.” I came up empty every time. If it did exist, it was as secretive as Randy had indicated.

Finally, I talked it over with my wife. She agreed it seemed too good to be true — and too good to pass up. We were nervous, but the idea took hold of us in a strange way. We couldn’t stop thinking about it. Our experience with Randy had been so good. What would The Lake be like?

We decided to take the plunge. We headed out to the place Randy had indicated.

We arrived at an isolated spot by — sure enough — the shores of a local man-made lake. There are several in our area, some fairly far away, so calling the place The Lake did nothing to give its location away.

Once we’d parked, we got out and had a look around. The shore of the lake was in the background, as well as a dense forest of evergreens. The surroundings were dark and peaceful, but we could see people walking around, some chatting in groups. One small crowd had gathered around a picnic table and seemed to be watching something intently. We approached cautiously.

A woman of about 30 lay on the table. Her legs were spread, and her ass was perched at the edge. She had dirty blonde hair, and there was no sign of her clothing apart from a light jacket spread beneath her on the tabletop. A couple of studs were working on her. One knelt over her head, presenting a humongous set of balls for her to lick. Another smaller guy with dark skin and curly hair stood before the table, thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy. The other spectators were so quiet I could hear the dick making squelching noises in her wet snatch and the gentle lapping sound of the blonde tonguing the other guy’s sac.

A dude stood off to one side, greedily watching the spectacle. Something told me that he was the blonde’s husband or boyfriend. He had a comb-over and a bit of a gut. Not the best-looking guy in the world, but I’ll never forget how blissfully happy he looked.

“Evening,” said a voice behind me.

We turned to see a burly, bearded guy wearing a trucker’s cap. He was smiling appreciatively at Annette, and she was smiling back. Even in the moonlight I could tell she was blushing furiously. The guy offered us some beer, and we stepped away to talk at another table.

“You folks new here?” he asked.

I told him Randy had clued us in about The Lake, but he didn’t seem to recognize the name. Not that it mattered. The bearded guy got right to the point, asking if we were up for “a little action.” I said we sure were. Annette had been watching the guy intently all through our brief conversation. I could see something about him had her very excited. She had told me once she had fantasies about servicing an older man, and this guy certainly fit the bill. He appeared to be in his early 50s, and while he didn’t look like he was using the gym every week, he seemed fit and strong.

He told us his name was Carl, and that he particularly enjoyed anal. Annette squealed a little when she heard that. I’d never once fucked her in the ass before, but if that was the price she had to pay to get with Carl, she seemed perfectly willing.

She slipped off her shoes and began undressing. She had gone with a more casual look that night. She let me take her jeans and blouse, and I folded them carefully. She shivered a little because of the cool air, but didn’t hesitate when Carl helped her onto the table.

She knelt there with her back to us, resting her weight on her hands. “That’s beautiful,” Carl whispered. His voice was deeper than Randy’s. “You’re a real pretty girl. You want to show me what you got? What you got back there?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but Annette seemed to know instinctively. She reached behind herself and spread her ass cheeks for him, showing him her puckered hole. Carl growled in approval and unzipped his jeans.

I unzipped as well. There were no other tables nearby, and I didn’t want to get too close to them, so I stood by and, somewhat awkwardly, began playing with myself.

By then Carl had gone over and began slickening up Annette’s rear end with a tube of lube he’d yanked from his jacket pocket. He was whispering to her like he was gentling a horse. Annette gasped as he worked the lube in her rear hole with a few wriggling fingers. Transfixed, I watched Carl slide on a condom and then anoint himself with more lube.

Then the show started in earnest.

Carl plugged his cock into my wife’s backside, causing her to release an even louder squeal. His tool wasn’t as big as Randy’s, but l guess in this case that had its advantages. Annette became very vocal as he pounded her butt. At first, she sounded a little distressed, so much so that I wondered if I should step in and call things to a halt. But soon she got into Carl’s rhythm, and then it was smooth sailing. She hissed as she inhaled between her teeth, her head bobbing as Carl did his thing. I could tell she loved submitting herself to this hulking stranger.

Again, I felt an odd combination of arousal and humiliation.

By now the crowd that had surrounded the blonde’s table had shifted its attention to us. They gathered round, watching respectfully. Some of the men were masturbating, others were gently fondling themselves. Annette was definitely everyone’s focal point. Some whispered about how hot she looked or how they wouldn’t mind a turn at her themselves. At some point she went from gasping to making low, regular wails that ended on a high note. Her vocalizations sounded so abjectly sexual that at least one guy among the watching masturbators blew his nuts. Another grabbed a woman — whether they even knew each other I couldn’t say — and she willingly went to work on him, letting him ream her lipsticked mouth with his hard cock. Something about that sight entranced me so much that I found myself watching them instead of Carl and my wife!

I was startled when I found myself jerking off to completion to the sight of that endlessly capable mouth instead of my wife’s hard-working ass.

Finally, Carl stopped and with a tip of his cap to me, withdrew from Annette’s rear. His cheeks were reddened, and he was breathing kind of hard, but he was smiling. By then another man had stepped up to take his place. He was younger than Carl, but still old enough, apparently, to tantalize Annette. She even gave him a saucy wink over her shoulder and wriggled her ass. She was well on her way to becoming a full-fledged butt-slut.

We stayed at The Lake for another hour and then headed home, both of us deliriously satisfied and sleepy. I half regretted not taking home some phone numbers, but I realized it wasn’t necessary. Things like phone numbers and brunch invitations were part of the outside world. The Lake was its own experience, and we’d be going back soon.

" />

Cuckold's Paradise

  • 2


It didn’t take much to convince my wife to indulge my fantasies of watching other men fuck her. Annette admitted from the start that she loved the idea. The thought of some stud’s big cock piercing her, while I looked on, made her absolutely melt. But I had my doubts before I broached the subject. She’s also very shy and gets embarrassed when I talk sexy to her, so I figured I’d have to do at least some cajoling.

When I initially proposed we find another man to service her for our mutual pleasure, she became seriously flustered and told me she had to run to the bathroom. I honestly thought I had upset her with my suggestion.

However, later that night as she lay in my arms, she told me she had actually sat on the toilet masturbating.

“I came three times, Jess,” she whispered, sounding both delighted and amazed.

I knew then it wouldn’t be long before we would make the leap into cuckdom.

Three months later, we were ready to meet a guy we’d found online. He’d arranged to meet us at a motel not far from our town. He was pleasant and seemed very experienced with this kind of scene. The night of our “date” Annette took an unusually long time making herself up. When she finally stepped out of our bedroom at home, she was wearing a brand-new dress and shoes, and her hair and makeup were immaculate. I was freshly stunned by how lovely she looked.

Annette is petite and curvy with short black hair and a sweet, slightly hesitant smile. She’s not a bombshell who oozes sex, but something about her tends to attract men’s attention.

We headed out to the motel and found Randy waiting for us in the room he’d rented. He was tall and muscular with the kind of blond hair that seems almost white. He shook my hand with old-fashioned courtesy and made Annette blush with his understated compliments.

“You folks just relax,” he said, gesturing at the bottle of wine he’d brought. “Have yourselves a drink, and let me do the driving.”

A few minutes later I was relaxing on the bed with a glass of chardonnay, watching excitedly as Randy went to work on my wife. He was just forceful enough to turn on both of us. He began by stroking her hair and murmuring in her ear, then he unzipped her dress.

“You know what I’m gonna do to you now, right?” he murmured. “Gonna fuck you silly, girl. Fuck you straight into next week.”

Annette gasped and squirmed, allowing him to remove the dress and her bra. “So pretty and prissy,” Randy said with a dirty smile. “All clean. Like you just got out of church. I like that. You wouldn’t believe how some of the girls look when they show up here. I can see you’ve got class.”

I think that was about all he said to Annette at that time. Then he got busy unzipping himself. By then she was naked, her pale skin looking luminous. She looked demure and shy, but also eager. She looked like a virgin on her wedding night, waiting to be deflowered. Her nipples were erect, her breasts rising and falling steadily as she breathed. I knew her pussy had to be hot, wet and ready for our new friend. And when Randy eased his cock out of his open fly, it was pretty obvious he was ready for her.

I licked the rim of my wineglass, getting steadily more excited. My own cock felt heavy and was rock-hard in my trousers.

With his dick sticking out of his pants, Randy sat on the edge of the mattress. Annette slid down onto the floor, draping her arms over his thighs, so nothing could interfere with her adoration of his dick. I could see he was bigger than me, though not quite the monster he had hinted at in his emails. Still, Annette could barely fit him in her mouth. She sucked and slurped, energetically lapping at his fat cockhead. Occasionally, she used the edges of her teeth to tease him, nipping gently. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt him, but it was enough to keep him groaning and shifting on the bed. I wondered where she had learned that technique. Had she picked it up from a story she’d read online or one of her sexy paperbacks? Or was it something she’d fantasized about for ages and was only now taking the opportunity to try it out?

Honestly, the enthusiasm with which she went at him surprised me. I never had to beg her to suck me off, but sometimes she seemed a little squeamish about putting my dick in her mouth. She had no such reservations about Randy. She seemed to be putting every ounce of her energy into blowing him.

For his part, Randy seemed somewhat startled by her enthusiasm. He hissed, gasped and murmured things like “goddamn” and “You’re my girl, right? Ain’t ya? Ain’t ya? Oh God!”

Naturally, this was all extremely exciting for me. The show Annette was putting on pretty much mirrored my fantasies. My sweet slut-girl was apparently giving a perfect stranger the best head he’d ever enjoyed in his life. I fucking loved it. By now, I was jacking off openly, puffing and blowing as I worked my meat. I echoed Randy’s murmurs with a few of my own: “Give it to him. Give it to him, yeah. Suck that dick.”

But all of this was just an appetizer for what was coming up. Eventually, Randy made it clear he was ready to move on to the main course. He eased her head from his cock. Standing up, he fully undressed while Annette watched him with hungry eyes.

“Little lady, I hope you’re good and horny, ’cause I’m going to give you the ride of your life,” he said.

By now, Randy was naked. His body was hard, with no trace of fat or softness. I noticed a scar on his thigh, and I wondered how he got it. He pulled a condom from his discarded jeans, liberated it from its package and unhurriedly rolled it onto his shaft.

Annette didn’t get back on the bed. Instead she spread herself out on the floor for him.

She’s going to get fucked right there, I thought. Right there on the dirty floor. Dirty girl.

Somehow that really excited me.

Randy got on top of her, holding her hands over her head. He positioned himself so his latex-sheathed schlong bumped against her slippery slit. She whimpered as he teased her, her hips jerking each time his cock grazed her crotch.

“Want this?” he asked, grinning wolfishly as he continued to tantalize her. “Want this big dick inside you?”

“Yes! Yes, please, sir. Please gimme it!”

Annette’s voice was high-pitched and breathless, but her Southern accent was coming through clearly, as it often did when she was excited.

“And your husband won’t mind?” Randy asked suddenly, turning his grin on me.

It was the first time since they’d started fooling around that he’d acknowledged my presence, and his attention had a strange effect on me. I wanted to make some witty remark, but I couldn’t seem to get my voice to work. I felt strangely humiliated, like the tables were turned and I was a powerless submissive. This stud had me outclassed in every way, yet their encounter excited me so much I’m surprised I didn’t come there and then. My hand was moving so fast on my dick that my erection almost hurt.

“Oh, he…he’s OK with it,” Annette whispered.

But she was so focused on getting Randy’s cock inside her that she barely knew I was there. Again, instead of offending or hurting me, the scenario drove me to still greater heights of arousal.

That was also the moment Randy chose to plunge his tool inside her. Annette’s back arched, and her eyes and mouth opened wide. As her stud filled her up entirely, she let out a loud, “Oh!”

Randy didn’t hold back. He was grinding away at her, swiveling his hips and pushing into her so their pelvises bashed together again and again. The sounds Annette made were incredible; low howls and little moans that could’ve come from an alley cat in heat. I heard nothing from Randy except the steady hissing rush of breath in and out of his nostrils. His lips were pursed in a straight line, and his eyes burned into Annette’s as though his gaze was responsible for keeping her in his thrall.

By then I exploded. Hot come filled my hand and was dripping from my fingers. I lay there panting, reaching for the box of tissue on the bureau so I could clean myself off.

Randy and Annette weren’t done, though. He was gasping and grunting, and Annette was still making weepy, wailing cries until her voice rose in pitch and she let out a squeal. I’m certain her exclamations must have been audible in the next room. She lay writhing on the floor. Her face had gone red, and she looked both mortally embarrassed and happier than I’d ever seen her.

“Well now,” Randy said finally, standing up and gingerly easing off his loaded rubber, “I’d call that a good night’s work. What do you all think?”

Annette and I agreed it was a very good night’s work indeed.

Afterward, Randy and I snagged some beer he’d stashed in the room’s mini fridge and stepped outside while Annette showered and dressed.

“How’d it go for you?” he asked me. “All right?”

I took a deep swig of my beer and watched contentedly as cars drove down the highway outside the motel. I assured him we’d had the time of our lives.

“Well, you’re nice folks,” Randy told me. “How’d you like to take it up a notch?”

I asked him what he meant — a little cautiously, I’ll admit.

Randy asked me if we’d ever heard of “The Lake.” Apparently, it was a local spot legendary among those who enjoyed watching their wives get serviced. It operated strictly by word of mouth. There was no website or forum, no guest list, no phone number. You just had to know where it was and show up with your lady — and maybe a six-pack or two.

“Some nights it’s dead as hell,” Randy said. “I mean, nobody’s around. But other nights…man alive! It’s like being in paradise.”

He scribbled some GPS coordinates on a slip of paper and handed it to me, then popped back into the room to wish Annette a good night. He left me with the room key and told me we could take our time heading out because the place was paid for until the morning. Then he disappeared into the darkness of the parking lot. A minute or two later his truck pulled out, and he beeped the horn twice in salute before joining the cars streaming down the highway.

I thought about my conversation with Randy for a long time before I mentioned it to Annette. By then I had done as much research as I could online, searching every variation I could imagine on “The Lake,” plus “cucking,” “swingers” and “sex.” I came up empty every time. If it did exist, it was as secretive as Randy had indicated.

Finally, I talked it over with my wife. She agreed it seemed too good to be true — and too good to pass up. We were nervous, but the idea took hold of us in a strange way. We couldn’t stop thinking about it. Our experience with Randy had been so good. What would The Lake be like?

We decided to take the plunge. We headed out to the place Randy had indicated.

We arrived at an isolated spot by — sure enough — the shores of a local man-made lake. There are several in our area, some fairly far away, so calling the place The Lake did nothing to give its location away.

Once we’d parked, we got out and had a look around. The shore of the lake was in the background, as well as a dense forest of evergreens. The surroundings were dark and peaceful, but we could see people walking around, some chatting in groups. One small crowd had gathered around a picnic table and seemed to be watching something intently. We approached cautiously.

A woman of about 30 lay on the table. Her legs were spread, and her ass was perched at the edge. She had dirty blonde hair, and there was no sign of her clothing apart from a light jacket spread beneath her on the tabletop. A couple of studs were working on her. One knelt over her head, presenting a humongous set of balls for her to lick. Another smaller guy with dark skin and curly hair stood before the table, thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy. The other spectators were so quiet I could hear the dick making squelching noises in her wet snatch and the gentle lapping sound of the blonde tonguing the other guy’s sac.

A dude stood off to one side, greedily watching the spectacle. Something told me that he was the blonde’s husband or boyfriend. He had a comb-over and a bit of a gut. Not the best-looking guy in the world, but I’ll never forget how blissfully happy he looked.

“Evening,” said a voice behind me.

We turned to see a burly, bearded guy wearing a trucker’s cap. He was smiling appreciatively at Annette, and she was smiling back. Even in the moonlight I could tell she was blushing furiously. The guy offered us some beer, and we stepped away to talk at another table.

“You folks new here?” he asked.

I told him Randy had clued us in about The Lake, but he didn’t seem to recognize the name. Not that it mattered. The bearded guy got right to the point, asking if we were up for “a little action.” I said we sure were. Annette had been watching the guy intently all through our brief conversation. I could see something about him had her very excited. She had told me once she had fantasies about servicing an older man, and this guy certainly fit the bill. He appeared to be in his early 50s, and while he didn’t look like he was using the gym every week, he seemed fit and strong.

He told us his name was Carl, and that he particularly enjoyed anal. Annette squealed a little when she heard that. I’d never once fucked her in the ass before, but if that was the price she had to pay to get with Carl, she seemed perfectly willing.

She slipped off her shoes and began undressing. She had gone with a more casual look that night. She let me take her jeans and blouse, and I folded them carefully. She shivered a little because of the cool air, but didn’t hesitate when Carl helped her onto the table.

She knelt there with her back to us, resting her weight on her hands. “That’s beautiful,” Carl whispered. His voice was deeper than Randy’s. “You’re a real pretty girl. You want to show me what you got? What you got back there?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but Annette seemed to know instinctively. She reached behind herself and spread her ass cheeks for him, showing him her puckered hole. Carl growled in approval and unzipped his jeans.

I unzipped as well. There were no other tables nearby, and I didn’t want to get too close to them, so I stood by and, somewhat awkwardly, began playing with myself.

By then Carl had gone over and began slickening up Annette’s rear end with a tube of lube he’d yanked from his jacket pocket. He was whispering to her like he was gentling a horse. Annette gasped as he worked the lube in her rear hole with a few wriggling fingers. Transfixed, I watched Carl slide on a condom and then anoint himself with more lube.

Then the show started in earnest.

Carl plugged his cock into my wife’s backside, causing her to release an even louder squeal. His tool wasn’t as big as Randy’s, but l guess in this case that had its advantages. Annette became very vocal as he pounded her butt. At first, she sounded a little distressed, so much so that I wondered if I should step in and call things to a halt. But soon she got into Carl’s rhythm, and then it was smooth sailing. She hissed as she inhaled between her teeth, her head bobbing as Carl did his thing. I could tell she loved submitting herself to this hulking stranger.

Again, I felt an odd combination of arousal and humiliation.

By now the crowd that had surrounded the blonde’s table had shifted its attention to us. They gathered round, watching respectfully. Some of the men were masturbating, others were gently fondling themselves. Annette was definitely everyone’s focal point. Some whispered about how hot she looked or how they wouldn’t mind a turn at her themselves. At some point she went from gasping to making low, regular wails that ended on a high note. Her vocalizations sounded so abjectly sexual that at least one guy among the watching masturbators blew his nuts. Another grabbed a woman — whether they even knew each other I couldn’t say — and she willingly went to work on him, letting him ream her lipsticked mouth with his hard cock. Something about that sight entranced me so much that I found myself watching them instead of Carl and my wife!

I was startled when I found myself jerking off to completion to the sight of that endlessly capable mouth instead of my wife’s hard-working ass.

Finally, Carl stopped and with a tip of his cap to me, withdrew from Annette’s rear. His cheeks were reddened, and he was breathing kind of hard, but he was smiling. By then another man had stepped up to take his place. He was younger than Carl, but still old enough, apparently, to tantalize Annette. She even gave him a saucy wink over her shoulder and wriggled her ass. She was well on her way to becoming a full-fledged butt-slut.

We stayed at The Lake for another hour and then headed home, both of us deliriously satisfied and sleepy. I half regretted not taking home some phone numbers, but I realized it wasn’t necessary. Things like phone numbers and brunch invitations were part of the outside world. The Lake was its own experience, and we’d be going back soon.


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