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Stockroom Suck Off

Stockroom Suck Off

  • A Penthouse Letter by Jen S., via email

I wasn’t normally friendly with my co-worker Brenda, but I knew she’d been with Kyle, the new guy at the big-box store where we worked.

I was dying to hear the details.

At first Brenda was reluctant to say anything more than that she and Kyle were “dating.” But I laid it on, and pretty soon she spilled.

Kyle was a hottie. He had handsome features and a solid body. He was confident without any unnecessary swagger. I was a little disappointed I hadn’t asked him out before Brenda had. I would have liked to have seen him naked instead of just hearing about it.

Still, once Brenda let her guard down and described what Kyle was like in bed, I got excited. She sketched out his physique for me, the lines of his muscles, the twin firm chunks of his ass. And of course she... Read More

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