Quite a bit of time had passed since I’d last seen Jared. It had been our senior year in college, in fact. But then, out of the blue, there he was at my husband’s company holiday party.
Jared was visiting from New York City, a corporate bigwig slumming with the local peons.
The moment I saw him across the hotel ballroom, I knew I’d have to spend a night with him before he left our tiny town — again. It didn’t matter that I was married to another man.
Memories of hot sex from our college days flooded my head. That, in turn, caused a flood in my panties.
Before I even had a chance to get Jared alone, I had relived some of our most amazing sex in my mind. All the while, I clutched my white wine and tried to engage in small talk with him in front of my hubby, Paul.... Read More