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“Enjoy two cocks, three tongues, and totally uninhibited fucking? If you do, let’s get together and enjoy each other.”

That was the ad. It appeared along with my Los Angeles area postbox address and a photo of my midsection, with my cock standing hard and beckoning. I ran it in a popular West Coast swingers’ publication. I placed it with some trepidation, not knowing what kind of people might answer.

I’d seen the magazine in my neighborhood adult bookstore, and in my intimate hours alone at home, with the book in one hand and my cock in the other, I had fantasized over the many enticing ads and photos. I knew that the kinds of people I really wanted to meet were also reading it, and that those people are nearly impossible to find through the usual social channels. I knew I couldn’t say to friends: “You’re really an attractive couple. I’m single, and my favorite hobby is sharing sexually with couples as their extra male in a threesome.”

I figured the odds of my saying that to any couple were nil, and that even if I did, I’d probably get decked by the husband. But I knew from the swingers’ publication that there are a lot of people out there who feel as I do, love sexual variety and share my concern about discretion. I had learned that I really love threesomes more than any other sexual combination. Certainly far more than foursomes or swinging. And in terms of pure fantasy fulfillment, pure physical involvement, the idea of sharing with a couple was at times even more satisfying than simply making love to a lady one-on-one. It was a dimension that, for me, couldn’t be surpassed.

When the letters started to arrive, I was surprised by how many were from single men, several with snapshots of cocks, just like mine. And there were couples who answered with form letters and included pictures of the girlfriends in poses that made them look like hookers. One letter I liked, though, because it sounded so natural:

Dear Jed, we’re Shari and Joel, and are writing in response to your ad in the current issue. We’ve never shared with anyone, but we’ve fantasized about it, and we think having a single man join us might be just right for us. Your ad sounds as if you might be perfect for our first experience.

“I (Shari) am thirty-six years old, 5'6", 125 pounds, blonde (real blonde). Joel is the same age, 5'11",185 pounds with brown hair.

If your ad is for real, we’d like to hear from you. Call evenings after eight and before ten — Shari and Joel.”

Shari and Joel included their telephone number and a color photograph of them taken at the beach. Both wore swimsuits, and they both had nice bodies and open smiles. Shari had better-than-average legs, trim hips and a small waist. Joel obviously enjoyed working out. They looked relaxed. And happy with each other, with Joel’s arm around Shari’s waist and her hip touching his.

A male voice answered when I phoned that evening and, after some hesitancy, greeted me warmly. “I’m glad you called. Especially now, actually, because Shari and I were just kind of getting into it, and she mentioned wondering if you’d gotten our letter yet.”

Joel asked me to hold a minute, and I could hear him calling to Shari in the background. I could hear him telling her who it was on the phone and asking her if she wanted to talk. After a moment’s delay, I heard the click of another phone being picked up. Her voice sounded a bit anxious.

“Hello, Shari,” I said. “I’m glad I caught you two at home.”

“You have a nice voice,” Shari answered. “We wondered what kind of voice you’d have if you called.”

“I’m sure there are other things you two have been wondering about, too,” I said. “All you’ve seen of me is a photo of my cock.”

We all laughed, and I was surprised that our three-way phone conversation had reached a level of mutual understanding so fast. Following a shower, I was out the door and, in my car, driving the thirty minutes to their neighborhood in the hills, with their address on a piece of paper in my lap, balanced atop the bulge in my slacks.

Their two-story townhouse was new, with a white convertible parked in the driveway. When Joel opened the door, I could see beyond him to a picture window and the thousands of lights in the valley below. Beyond the marble entry, there was a fire crackling in a dark brick hearth.

After a warm handshake, I followed Joel into the living room. “We’re really pleased that you were available on such short notice,” Joel said with a smile. “We were kind of horny, and your call was perfect timing.”

Just then Shari joined us. Barefoot, wearing short shorts and a blouse that was open just enough to reveal the swell of her obviously braless breasts, she moved with elegance and grace. She had a sweet face framed by shoulder-length blonde hair, full lips and wide blue eyes. And she looked a little nervous.

She paused as I held out my hand, then slowly moved toward me to clasp it in her moist palm. She lowered her eyes shyly, but her lips took on a trace of a smile.

Shari sat on one end of the sofa, Joel in an easy chair next to her. I settled down on the opposite end of the sofa.

Joel was a pleasant conversationalist and quite funny, although as we talked, I realized that Shari hadn’t said much yet. But she wasn’t missing anything, and I could feel her eyes on me as Joel and I chatted.

I finally felt compelled to say that I thought she had a really beautiful figure. “Sensual is the word I’ve been thinking of since you walked down the stairs.”

She looked wordlessly into my eyes. After a moment of silence, Shari said, “I feel sensual right now. Maybe that’s why I look that way.”

“We knew the photo we sent you wasn’t perfect,” Joel added, “but we were afraid to mail a more intimate picture to somebody we didn’t know.”

“Do you two enjoy intimate photography?” I asked. “I’d love to see some you’ve taken.”

They glanced at each other, and I knew that they had silently agreed to take the next step. Shari offered to get us drinks, and while she was in the kitchen, Joel went to a sideboard and returned with a thick brown envelope secured with a rubber band. From it he pulled a stack of photos, picking out an occasional favorite as he reviewed them. On the coffee table in front of me he laid half a dozen.

Each photo showed Shari in a different state of undress. In a couple, taken before the same fireplace that now warmed the room, she wore black nylons, a black garter belt and a very skimpy bra. No panties. In two others the bra was gone, revealing a pair of firm breasts capped with large, erect nipples. In the remaining two photos, Shari was naked and posed on the white carpet before the hearth, legs spread just wide enough to allow an inviting glimpse of her sex lips peeking from behind her blonde pubic curls.

Shari returned with three large wine-­glasses on a tray. Placing one before each of us, she again sat on the end of the sofa, this time leaving less space between us.

“Shari loves posing almost as much as I enjoy photographing her,” Joel said.

Joel handed me six more prints, the first one of which showed Shari with a vibrator between her open thighs and her mouth half filled with Joel’s raging hard­on. The next was a variation on the same theme, with Shari’s hand cupping Joel’s balls and her eyes wide with lust. The third was the capper. Joel had pulled back, leaving his cockhead inches from Shari’s open mouth, and his come was flying in thick white-gobs onto her tongue, splashing off her nose and chin. The last two, also timer-taken, had Shari on her hands and knees with Joel ramming her from behind.

“Beautiful,” I said softly.

Shari sighed wistfully and smiled. I had been so engrossed in the photos, I hadn’t noticed that she had shifted closer to me. But now I noticed that Joel’s hand was stroking a distinct bulge in his slacks and that he was watching his wife’s reactions to my comments and my reaction to the photos.

For virtual novice swingers, Joel and Shari were certainly uninhibited. They weren’t overt, they weren’t pushy. They were simply excited, both by my presence and by the prospect of the evening. And both obviously felt comfortable enough with themselves, with each other and with me to let their feelings show.

Shari got up from the sofa, took the remainder of the pictures from her husband and placed them in front of me. Then, with a sensual smile, she sat on Joel’s knee and covered his hand with hers, encouraging her husband to fondle his covered cock while they both watched me look through the stack.

As I studied them, I heard the sound of a zipper and glanced up to see Shari’s fingers reaching into Joel’s fly. His right hand was caressing the inside of her bare thigh, his left hand cupping her breast through her silk blouse.

“Come on over here and join me,” I suggested, patting the seat at my side.

Shari removed her hand from her husband’s crotch, took his hand in hers and led him back around the coffee table. His cock was clearly hard, and he gave her snug fanny a little squeeze just before she sat beside me. He sat down next to her.

Shari’s fingers returned to the warmth of her spouse’s crotch as I continued to flip through the photographs. One was worth a longer look. It showed Shari on her side and looking through an issue of the same swingers’ magazine in which I had advertised. Two of her fingers were inside her cunt, and her nipples looked as if they were about to burst. Her full lips were slightly open, and her eyes were focused on one of the magazine photos.

“I took that the night we decided to answer your ad,” Joel said. “Shari was really aroused, and I suggested that we make our fantasy a reality by writing to you. Believe it or not, that was your ad she was looking at when I took the picture. You really turned her on.”

That did it. Turning to openly watch Shari’s hand fondle her husband’s prick, I pressed my leg against her and touched her hot skin just where her thigh disappeared beneath her skimpy shorts. Shari didn’t tum to me, but her hand increased its stroking action inside Joel’s pants. Joel caught my eye … and winked. I leaned into Shari and gently suggested that she take his pants off. She did, and a moment later Joel’s cock was in Shari’s mouth, her head moving up and down as she milked him, her blonde hair caressing his stomach. Joel slouched on the sofa with both feet on the floor, his legs spread, his head back against a cushion. Shari reclined on her side on the sofa, her head in his lap.

For two people who had said they were nervous and a bit inhibited, they certainly seemed pretty open. I was really quite delighted, and I quietly unbuttoned my shirt and unzipped my trousers, laying both on a side chair along with my socks and shoes. Leaving only my jockey shorts on, with my hard cock clearly visible under the cotton covering, I sat on the edge of the coffee table nearest them to enjoy a close-up view of their intimacy. Joel didn’t move as Shari continued sucking him. Her eyes were closed, although she was certainly fully aware of my presence. Without comment I leaned forward. Returning one hand to Shari’s thigh, I lightly caressed its upper reaches to the hem of her shorts, which had ridden high on her hips to just barely cover her crotch. The material was moist, as was the skin just below. I watched as Shari’s full lips moved up and down the length of her husband’s cock. Her left hand cupped his full, hairy balls, kneading them gently, with her forefinger adding to his pleasure as it massaged the sensitive area between his scrotum and his anus. Her right hand unbuttoned his shirt and began repeatedly pulling on one hard nipple. She murmured soulfully, obviously loving every inch of her mate’s cock.

When Joel’s hips arched and his stomach began to tighten, she slowed her pace and loosened the grip of her lips until he relaxed. She was obviously skilled and knowledgeable in her lovemaking with her husband, and I couldn’t wait to share some of that experience.

Joel reached across Shari and lightly touched my hand as it stroked the inside of her inner thigh, nudging me higher, until I was cupping her covered cunt. Then, with his hand over mine, he urged me to caress her vulva through the material. As I did, he removed his hand from mine and worked his fingers under her shorts. I could feel them beneath the cloth as they entered her cunt, and I moved my hand higher, stroking her clit.

Shari groaned, her mouth still filled with her husband. She shifted so that her legs opened.

Shari’s shorts went from moist to wet as we stroked her. Her hips began undulating as she fucked our fingers. Her slurping sounds continued, coupled with a cacophony of cooing and groaning.

Joel removed his hand from under his wife’s shorts, reached up under my fingers and unzipped. Then both of us gently tugged, sliding the shorts down over her hips. She brought her legs back together, allowing us to remove the garment easily. The moment her shorts cleared her toes, she returned to her open posture, her cunt now exposed and gleaming. She looked even sexier in reality than she did in the Polaroids, her swollen lips framed by her wet pussy hair and open just enough to reveal the beckoning tissues at the entry to her love tunnel. The head of her clit peeked at me in invitation before she was again covered by her mate’s hand and her cunt was again filled with two of his fingers.

Shari’s eyes opened and she fixed them on my jockey-covered cock, never missing a stroke with her mouth as Joel’s fingers pushed inside her cunt. With almost a pleading look, she stared at the outline of my erection as her excited body responded to her husband’s attentions.

My hand went to my crotch, stroking my cock through my briefs. Her eyes devoured the sight, and again she groaned. I realized that she was imploring me to free my erection. I stood up to draw my shorts down, letting them fall to the floor. My cock sprang to full attention, jutting hard and straight from my body as if trained to point at her core.

Shari’s eyes widened as I took my cock in my hand, and she pulled her head from Joel’s center, freeing his erection and trailing a thread of pre-come from between her lips. She sat up, pulling her blouse over her head, and as she did so, Joel removed his clothing as well. In a matter of seconds, we were a happy trio of nudity.

Shari reached for my cock. Sitting on the edge of the sofa, with her face only inches away from me as I sat on the coffee table’s edge, Shari now took up where I had left off, masturbating me. Joel took up where he had left off, too, returning his fingers to his wife’s cunt. Then Joel took his own cock in hand and began masturbating to the same tempo she was using with me, and I could only assume that his fingers were moving to the same rhythm inside her.

Shari was the first to break the chain. Leaning forward, she replaced her stroking hand on my cock with her mouth. The warm, moist sleeve of her lips began moving up and down my prick with the same tempo as had her hand. Her tongue applied pressure to my cock’s underside, and I could feel her swallow each time she took my full length all the way into her throat.

Joel was watching his wife, for the first time, go down on another man. And he was loving it! His fist moved faster over his prick, and it looked harder than it had before. Shari sensed his excitement, and, shifting her body slightly on the sofa, she removed his fingers from her cunt, reached for his head and gently urged his face down, down between her thighs.

As he tongued her in an urgent but loving way, she continued to fuck me with her mouth. Both my hands went between us, cupping her lovely breasts where they hung free. Her nipples were hard, the freckles surrounding them adding a visual texture that I found hugely appealing. I could see her tummy harden, then contract. With her hips raised, she pulled Joel’s head even deeper into her crotch. She was coming! Her mouth never stopped giving my cock pleasure as her muffled cry of excitement vibrated around the head of my prick. Her legs jerked wider and her hips bounced up and down quickly. She had come, but for her that was obviously just the beginning: one of many to come!

Joel’s fist continued its firm stroking, pulling the skin of his cock tight each time it went down against his dark, curly crotch hair, then squeezing the bloated bulb of his cockhead when he pulled upward, his pre-come adding a glossy covering to the swollen surface. At the same time, Shari’s ministrations with her lips and tongue and the light touches of her teeth on my prick were bringing me closer to heaven.

I watched through half-closed, lustful eyes as Joel changed positions and knelt between his wife’s spread thighs. Still slowly pumping his cock with his hand, he positioned it at the entry of her now gaping cunt and then firmly thrust into her. Shari groaned in pleasure, a sigh coming from deep in her throat and exquisitely buzzing my cock. I watched as she moved to allow her mate even more deeply into her body, her legs rising until they rested on his shoulders. With his every thrust, her pelvis moved forward to meet him; with every withdrawal the lips of her cunt appeared to reach toward him, as if pleading for more, and he was more than ready to oblige her.

As they fucked, Shari pulled her mouth from me and said, “God, this is fantastic! I’ve never been so turned on in my life. This is the most exciting sex I’ve ever had. You’re terrific, you’re brilliant! Thank you. Thank you!” Her thanks seemed to be addressed to both her lovers and fate in general. Her lips glistened with the mixture of her saliva and my pre-come; her eyes were glazed with passion. I was voyeur and participant at the same time. What rhapsodic bliss!

My entire being was coming a tight sexual string, desperate for release and at the same time wanting the pleasure never to end. Shari’s eyes had remained fixed on my cock as Joel fucked her, and she reached to cup my swaying balls at the same time that my hand returned to stroke my cock. Joel watched his wife’s excited expression and the sight of another man’s rock-hard cock aimed directly at her wet lips. The scene was driving him to even greater excitement, his thrusts becoming more and more intense.

Suddenly Joel moaned louder, and I watched as he pulled from Shari’s cunt just as his come began to spurt. From the tip of his throbbing cock, his come flew in white streams, splattering onto her blonde pussy hair and her heaving belly. Spurt after spurt was pumped from his crown and come filled her belly button. Shari cried out and she too was coming, the raw sexuality of the moment bringing her over the edge even though her husband’s prick was no longer inside her. As she came, her one hand covered mine and we jerked my cock even faster. Her other hand moved to her belly as she frantically rubbed at her crotch. She screamed again, reacting to the touch of her own fingers as they pressed against her clit. rubbing it with her lover’s juices. Her hand flew in jabbing lust on my cock. Her hand and mine were almost a blur as they jerked back and forth over my prick. I moaned as I felt my own come begin its journey from my balls through my cock. We three watched as my sperm flew, splashing onto Shari’s face. I was amazed at the amount of come I was releasing. ln these moments of pure, raw sex, I’m in another world. And Shari’s expression was one of pure bliss. She absolutely glowed with satisfaction, her beautiful lip forming the most contented of smiles.

“My God. Joel,” she said softly. “that was fantastic. I had no idea how wonderful it would be to have two men at once. I thought I’d never stop coming. And seeing both of you come on me was incredible! I still feel as if I’m floating.”

Lightly caressing his wife’s cunt, Joel said. “This has been a fantasy of ours for a long time. I hoped it would turn out this way, but this was really incredible!”

As Joel and I enjoyed cold beers. Shari took a shower. When she returned covered in a baby-blue robe, we sat and talked for over an hour, savoring the blissful afterglow.

A few days later I received a letter from them telling me how much they had enjoyed our threesome. And, they added, they were keeping my telephone number “just in case.” But our encounter was simply too wonderful not to repeat. I think I’ll be hearing from them again.

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Confidential Caress


“Enjoy two cocks, three tongues, and totally uninhibited fucking? If you do, let’s get together and enjoy each other.”

That was the ad. It appeared along with my Los Angeles area postbox address and a photo of my midsection, with my cock standing hard and beckoning. I ran it in a popular West Coast swingers’ publication. I placed it with some trepidation, not knowing what kind of people might answer.

I’d seen the magazine in my neighborhood adult bookstore, and in my intimate hours alone at home, with the book in one hand and my cock in the other, I had fantasized over the many enticing ads and photos. I knew that the kinds of people I really wanted to meet were also reading it, and that those people are nearly impossible to find through the usual social channels. I knew I couldn’t say to friends: “You’re really an attractive couple. I’m single, and my favorite hobby is sharing sexually with couples as their extra male in a threesome.”

I figured the odds of my saying that to any couple were nil, and that even if I did, I’d probably get decked by the husband. But I knew from the swingers’ publication that there are a lot of people out there who feel as I do, love sexual variety and share my concern about discretion. I had learned that I really love threesomes more than any other sexual combination. Certainly far more than foursomes or swinging. And in terms of pure fantasy fulfillment, pure physical involvement, the idea of sharing with a couple was at times even more satisfying than simply making love to a lady one-on-one. It was a dimension that, for me, couldn’t be surpassed.

When the letters started to arrive, I was surprised by how many were from single men, several with snapshots of cocks, just like mine. And there were couples who answered with form letters and included pictures of the girlfriends in poses that made them look like hookers. One letter I liked, though, because it sounded so natural:

Dear Jed, we’re Shari and Joel, and are writing in response to your ad in the current issue. We’ve never shared with anyone, but we’ve fantasized about it, and we think having a single man join us might be just right for us. Your ad sounds as if you might be perfect for our first experience.

“I (Shari) am thirty-six years old, 5'6", 125 pounds, blonde (real blonde). Joel is the same age, 5'11",185 pounds with brown hair.

If your ad is for real, we’d like to hear from you. Call evenings after eight and before ten — Shari and Joel.”

Shari and Joel included their telephone number and a color photograph of them taken at the beach. Both wore swimsuits, and they both had nice bodies and open smiles. Shari had better-than-average legs, trim hips and a small waist. Joel obviously enjoyed working out. They looked relaxed. And happy with each other, with Joel’s arm around Shari’s waist and her hip touching his.

A male voice answered when I phoned that evening and, after some hesitancy, greeted me warmly. “I’m glad you called. Especially now, actually, because Shari and I were just kind of getting into it, and she mentioned wondering if you’d gotten our letter yet.”

Joel asked me to hold a minute, and I could hear him calling to Shari in the background. I could hear him telling her who it was on the phone and asking her if she wanted to talk. After a moment’s delay, I heard the click of another phone being picked up. Her voice sounded a bit anxious.

“Hello, Shari,” I said. “I’m glad I caught you two at home.”

“You have a nice voice,” Shari answered. “We wondered what kind of voice you’d have if you called.”

“I’m sure there are other things you two have been wondering about, too,” I said. “All you’ve seen of me is a photo of my cock.”

We all laughed, and I was surprised that our three-way phone conversation had reached a level of mutual understanding so fast. Following a shower, I was out the door and, in my car, driving the thirty minutes to their neighborhood in the hills, with their address on a piece of paper in my lap, balanced atop the bulge in my slacks.

Their two-story townhouse was new, with a white convertible parked in the driveway. When Joel opened the door, I could see beyond him to a picture window and the thousands of lights in the valley below. Beyond the marble entry, there was a fire crackling in a dark brick hearth.

After a warm handshake, I followed Joel into the living room. “We’re really pleased that you were available on such short notice,” Joel said with a smile. “We were kind of horny, and your call was perfect timing.”

Just then Shari joined us. Barefoot, wearing short shorts and a blouse that was open just enough to reveal the swell of her obviously braless breasts, she moved with elegance and grace. She had a sweet face framed by shoulder-length blonde hair, full lips and wide blue eyes. And she looked a little nervous.

She paused as I held out my hand, then slowly moved toward me to clasp it in her moist palm. She lowered her eyes shyly, but her lips took on a trace of a smile.

Shari sat on one end of the sofa, Joel in an easy chair next to her. I settled down on the opposite end of the sofa.

Joel was a pleasant conversationalist and quite funny, although as we talked, I realized that Shari hadn’t said much yet. But she wasn’t missing anything, and I could feel her eyes on me as Joel and I chatted.

I finally felt compelled to say that I thought she had a really beautiful figure. “Sensual is the word I’ve been thinking of since you walked down the stairs.”

She looked wordlessly into my eyes. After a moment of silence, Shari said, “I feel sensual right now. Maybe that’s why I look that way.”

“We knew the photo we sent you wasn’t perfect,” Joel added, “but we were afraid to mail a more intimate picture to somebody we didn’t know.”

“Do you two enjoy intimate photography?” I asked. “I’d love to see some you’ve taken.”

They glanced at each other, and I knew that they had silently agreed to take the next step. Shari offered to get us drinks, and while she was in the kitchen, Joel went to a sideboard and returned with a thick brown envelope secured with a rubber band. From it he pulled a stack of photos, picking out an occasional favorite as he reviewed them. On the coffee table in front of me he laid half a dozen.

Each photo showed Shari in a different state of undress. In a couple, taken before the same fireplace that now warmed the room, she wore black nylons, a black garter belt and a very skimpy bra. No panties. In two others the bra was gone, revealing a pair of firm breasts capped with large, erect nipples. In the remaining two photos, Shari was naked and posed on the white carpet before the hearth, legs spread just wide enough to allow an inviting glimpse of her sex lips peeking from behind her blonde pubic curls.

Shari returned with three large wine-­glasses on a tray. Placing one before each of us, she again sat on the end of the sofa, this time leaving less space between us.

“Shari loves posing almost as much as I enjoy photographing her,” Joel said.

Joel handed me six more prints, the first one of which showed Shari with a vibrator between her open thighs and her mouth half filled with Joel’s raging hard­on. The next was a variation on the same theme, with Shari’s hand cupping Joel’s balls and her eyes wide with lust. The third was the capper. Joel had pulled back, leaving his cockhead inches from Shari’s open mouth, and his come was flying in thick white-gobs onto her tongue, splashing off her nose and chin. The last two, also timer-taken, had Shari on her hands and knees with Joel ramming her from behind.

“Beautiful,” I said softly.

Shari sighed wistfully and smiled. I had been so engrossed in the photos, I hadn’t noticed that she had shifted closer to me. But now I noticed that Joel’s hand was stroking a distinct bulge in his slacks and that he was watching his wife’s reactions to my comments and my reaction to the photos.

For virtual novice swingers, Joel and Shari were certainly uninhibited. They weren’t overt, they weren’t pushy. They were simply excited, both by my presence and by the prospect of the evening. And both obviously felt comfortable enough with themselves, with each other and with me to let their feelings show.

Shari got up from the sofa, took the remainder of the pictures from her husband and placed them in front of me. Then, with a sensual smile, she sat on Joel’s knee and covered his hand with hers, encouraging her husband to fondle his covered cock while they both watched me look through the stack.

As I studied them, I heard the sound of a zipper and glanced up to see Shari’s fingers reaching into Joel’s fly. His right hand was caressing the inside of her bare thigh, his left hand cupping her breast through her silk blouse.

“Come on over here and join me,” I suggested, patting the seat at my side.

Shari removed her hand from her husband’s crotch, took his hand in hers and led him back around the coffee table. His cock was clearly hard, and he gave her snug fanny a little squeeze just before she sat beside me. He sat down next to her.

Shari’s fingers returned to the warmth of her spouse’s crotch as I continued to flip through the photographs. One was worth a longer look. It showed Shari on her side and looking through an issue of the same swingers’ magazine in which I had advertised. Two of her fingers were inside her cunt, and her nipples looked as if they were about to burst. Her full lips were slightly open, and her eyes were focused on one of the magazine photos.

“I took that the night we decided to answer your ad,” Joel said. “Shari was really aroused, and I suggested that we make our fantasy a reality by writing to you. Believe it or not, that was your ad she was looking at when I took the picture. You really turned her on.”

That did it. Turning to openly watch Shari’s hand fondle her husband’s prick, I pressed my leg against her and touched her hot skin just where her thigh disappeared beneath her skimpy shorts. Shari didn’t tum to me, but her hand increased its stroking action inside Joel’s pants. Joel caught my eye … and winked. I leaned into Shari and gently suggested that she take his pants off. She did, and a moment later Joel’s cock was in Shari’s mouth, her head moving up and down as she milked him, her blonde hair caressing his stomach. Joel slouched on the sofa with both feet on the floor, his legs spread, his head back against a cushion. Shari reclined on her side on the sofa, her head in his lap.

For two people who had said they were nervous and a bit inhibited, they certainly seemed pretty open. I was really quite delighted, and I quietly unbuttoned my shirt and unzipped my trousers, laying both on a side chair along with my socks and shoes. Leaving only my jockey shorts on, with my hard cock clearly visible under the cotton covering, I sat on the edge of the coffee table nearest them to enjoy a close-up view of their intimacy. Joel didn’t move as Shari continued sucking him. Her eyes were closed, although she was certainly fully aware of my presence. Without comment I leaned forward. Returning one hand to Shari’s thigh, I lightly caressed its upper reaches to the hem of her shorts, which had ridden high on her hips to just barely cover her crotch. The material was moist, as was the skin just below. I watched as Shari’s full lips moved up and down the length of her husband’s cock. Her left hand cupped his full, hairy balls, kneading them gently, with her forefinger adding to his pleasure as it massaged the sensitive area between his scrotum and his anus. Her right hand unbuttoned his shirt and began repeatedly pulling on one hard nipple. She murmured soulfully, obviously loving every inch of her mate’s cock.

When Joel’s hips arched and his stomach began to tighten, she slowed her pace and loosened the grip of her lips until he relaxed. She was obviously skilled and knowledgeable in her lovemaking with her husband, and I couldn’t wait to share some of that experience.

Joel reached across Shari and lightly touched my hand as it stroked the inside of her inner thigh, nudging me higher, until I was cupping her covered cunt. Then, with his hand over mine, he urged me to caress her vulva through the material. As I did, he removed his hand from mine and worked his fingers under her shorts. I could feel them beneath the cloth as they entered her cunt, and I moved my hand higher, stroking her clit.

Shari groaned, her mouth still filled with her husband. She shifted so that her legs opened.

Shari’s shorts went from moist to wet as we stroked her. Her hips began undulating as she fucked our fingers. Her slurping sounds continued, coupled with a cacophony of cooing and groaning.

Joel removed his hand from under his wife’s shorts, reached up under my fingers and unzipped. Then both of us gently tugged, sliding the shorts down over her hips. She brought her legs back together, allowing us to remove the garment easily. The moment her shorts cleared her toes, she returned to her open posture, her cunt now exposed and gleaming. She looked even sexier in reality than she did in the Polaroids, her swollen lips framed by her wet pussy hair and open just enough to reveal the beckoning tissues at the entry to her love tunnel. The head of her clit peeked at me in invitation before she was again covered by her mate’s hand and her cunt was again filled with two of his fingers.

Shari’s eyes opened and she fixed them on my jockey-covered cock, never missing a stroke with her mouth as Joel’s fingers pushed inside her cunt. With almost a pleading look, she stared at the outline of my erection as her excited body responded to her husband’s attentions.

My hand went to my crotch, stroking my cock through my briefs. Her eyes devoured the sight, and again she groaned. I realized that she was imploring me to free my erection. I stood up to draw my shorts down, letting them fall to the floor. My cock sprang to full attention, jutting hard and straight from my body as if trained to point at her core.

Shari’s eyes widened as I took my cock in my hand, and she pulled her head from Joel’s center, freeing his erection and trailing a thread of pre-come from between her lips. She sat up, pulling her blouse over her head, and as she did so, Joel removed his clothing as well. In a matter of seconds, we were a happy trio of nudity.

Shari reached for my cock. Sitting on the edge of the sofa, with her face only inches away from me as I sat on the coffee table’s edge, Shari now took up where I had left off, masturbating me. Joel took up where he had left off, too, returning his fingers to his wife’s cunt. Then Joel took his own cock in hand and began masturbating to the same tempo she was using with me, and I could only assume that his fingers were moving to the same rhythm inside her.

Shari was the first to break the chain. Leaning forward, she replaced her stroking hand on my cock with her mouth. The warm, moist sleeve of her lips began moving up and down my prick with the same tempo as had her hand. Her tongue applied pressure to my cock’s underside, and I could feel her swallow each time she took my full length all the way into her throat.

Joel was watching his wife, for the first time, go down on another man. And he was loving it! His fist moved faster over his prick, and it looked harder than it had before. Shari sensed his excitement, and, shifting her body slightly on the sofa, she removed his fingers from her cunt, reached for his head and gently urged his face down, down between her thighs.

As he tongued her in an urgent but loving way, she continued to fuck me with her mouth. Both my hands went between us, cupping her lovely breasts where they hung free. Her nipples were hard, the freckles surrounding them adding a visual texture that I found hugely appealing. I could see her tummy harden, then contract. With her hips raised, she pulled Joel’s head even deeper into her crotch. She was coming! Her mouth never stopped giving my cock pleasure as her muffled cry of excitement vibrated around the head of my prick. Her legs jerked wider and her hips bounced up and down quickly. She had come, but for her that was obviously just the beginning: one of many to come!

Joel’s fist continued its firm stroking, pulling the skin of his cock tight each time it went down against his dark, curly crotch hair, then squeezing the bloated bulb of his cockhead when he pulled upward, his pre-come adding a glossy covering to the swollen surface. At the same time, Shari’s ministrations with her lips and tongue and the light touches of her teeth on my prick were bringing me closer to heaven.

I watched through half-closed, lustful eyes as Joel changed positions and knelt between his wife’s spread thighs. Still slowly pumping his cock with his hand, he positioned it at the entry of her now gaping cunt and then firmly thrust into her. Shari groaned in pleasure, a sigh coming from deep in her throat and exquisitely buzzing my cock. I watched as she moved to allow her mate even more deeply into her body, her legs rising until they rested on his shoulders. With his every thrust, her pelvis moved forward to meet him; with every withdrawal the lips of her cunt appeared to reach toward him, as if pleading for more, and he was more than ready to oblige her.

As they fucked, Shari pulled her mouth from me and said, “God, this is fantastic! I’ve never been so turned on in my life. This is the most exciting sex I’ve ever had. You’re terrific, you’re brilliant! Thank you. Thank you!” Her thanks seemed to be addressed to both her lovers and fate in general. Her lips glistened with the mixture of her saliva and my pre-come; her eyes were glazed with passion. I was voyeur and participant at the same time. What rhapsodic bliss!

My entire being was coming a tight sexual string, desperate for release and at the same time wanting the pleasure never to end. Shari’s eyes had remained fixed on my cock as Joel fucked her, and she reached to cup my swaying balls at the same time that my hand returned to stroke my cock. Joel watched his wife’s excited expression and the sight of another man’s rock-hard cock aimed directly at her wet lips. The scene was driving him to even greater excitement, his thrusts becoming more and more intense.

Suddenly Joel moaned louder, and I watched as he pulled from Shari’s cunt just as his come began to spurt. From the tip of his throbbing cock, his come flew in white streams, splattering onto her blonde pussy hair and her heaving belly. Spurt after spurt was pumped from his crown and come filled her belly button. Shari cried out and she too was coming, the raw sexuality of the moment bringing her over the edge even though her husband’s prick was no longer inside her. As she came, her one hand covered mine and we jerked my cock even faster. Her other hand moved to her belly as she frantically rubbed at her crotch. She screamed again, reacting to the touch of her own fingers as they pressed against her clit. rubbing it with her lover’s juices. Her hand flew in jabbing lust on my cock. Her hand and mine were almost a blur as they jerked back and forth over my prick. I moaned as I felt my own come begin its journey from my balls through my cock. We three watched as my sperm flew, splashing onto Shari’s face. I was amazed at the amount of come I was releasing. ln these moments of pure, raw sex, I’m in another world. And Shari’s expression was one of pure bliss. She absolutely glowed with satisfaction, her beautiful lip forming the most contented of smiles.

“My God. Joel,” she said softly. “that was fantastic. I had no idea how wonderful it would be to have two men at once. I thought I’d never stop coming. And seeing both of you come on me was incredible! I still feel as if I’m floating.”

Lightly caressing his wife’s cunt, Joel said. “This has been a fantasy of ours for a long time. I hoped it would turn out this way, but this was really incredible!”

As Joel and I enjoyed cold beers. Shari took a shower. When she returned covered in a baby-blue robe, we sat and talked for over an hour, savoring the blissful afterglow.

A few days later I received a letter from them telling me how much they had enjoyed our threesome. And, they added, they were keeping my telephone number “just in case.” But our encounter was simply too wonderful not to repeat. I think I’ll be hearing from them again.



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