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Henry and Alexa’s sultry BDSM celebration gives new meaning to starting your birthday with a bang.

“Blow out the candles!”

“Make a wish!”

“A good wish,” someone shouted.

“A dirty wish,” I said to myself as I moved through the crowd. “A dirty, filthy, kinky wish.”

There was a cacophony of jubilant encouragement as Henry watched me set the triple-tiered vanilla birthday cake in front of him. The cake was covered in intricate roses and filled with rich raspberry frosting. I’d bought “3” and “0” candles and placed them right in the center. Henry hesitated for a moment, taking in the way the cake looked. 30 is a big event. I wanted to make the evening memorable on every level.

All of our closest friends crowded around the table. Henry was absolutely in his element, the star of the show, all eyes on him. The candlelight played over his handsome jaw, his strong brow. In the glow, his blue eyes looked almost black.

“Come on, Henry!” our friend Jackie said. “That cake looks delicious! Make a wish already. I want a piece.” The room was lit solely by candlelight. My bangs fell in front of my eyes, creating a blonde curtain that I peeked through. I watched the pretty red candles dripping wax down their sides.

Like Jackie, I couldn’t wait for Henry to blow out the candles, too. Not because I wanted any of the cake, but because I wanted to cut the cake and feed the guests. Then I wanted the guests to leave. I had bought Henry the sexiest gifts I could find — and I was desperate for a little bit of privacy so that we could use the presents together.

Henry inhaled in an exaggerated manner, then blew out the candles. He cut and served the cake to our waiting friends while I gazed longingly at the pile of presents on the breakfront. There were those bought for him by the guests, and then there were the ones wrapped in glossy black-and-silver paper, a plethora of items that I had purchased at a local sex-toy store. Although nobody would have guessed from the shapes, my gifts included a set of handcuffs, a blindfold, a bottle of lube, and a shiny black paddle. Henry and I had dabbled in erotic power play in the past, but we didn’t own any of the accoutrements. For his 30th, I thought he’d appreciate a little kink with his cake. (Or, in this case, after his cake.)

How right I was.

“I pictured henry with his back to the wall, stripped, & blindfolded”

Of course, Henry had no inkling of what I’d bought him or what I had planned for the post-party activities. What would he think when he saw the blindfold? How would he react when he pulled out the paddle? The party had seemed like a good idea when I’d initially planned it, but now the event felt ill-timed on my part. When would we be alone? I fantasized about being unspeakably rude and demanding that all the guests leave. You have to go! I have sex toys to try out! Shoo!

Thankfully — remarkably — I was able to hold my tongue. But my pussy grew wetter throughout the evening. Every time I passed by the table holding the gifts. I pictured Henry with his back to the wall, stripped entirely, cuffs on his wrists, blindfold in place. In my fantasy, I was on my knees in front of him, bobbing on his cock, bestowing a brilliant birthday blowjob before blistering the birthday boy’s behind with the new paddle. Or maybe I would spank him first, and then blow him. Which would he appreciate more? I couldn’t decide. Each image made me equally aroused.

Finally, I could wait no longer. My pussy was a lake unto itself. A girl can only take so much mental foreplay before spilling over. “Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me,” I said politely, as I snaked my way into the crowd. “I need to borrow the birthday boy.” I grabbed Henry by the hand and took him with me to a far corner of the living room where I was sure none of our guests could possibly hear us. We probably looked like happy lovers engaged in a little sweet talk. Surreptitiously, I handed him the smallest of the presents. “Open this,” I said. “Where nobody can see you.”

Henry raised his eyebrows at me. “What tricks have you got up your sleeve, Alexa?” he asked me.

“Who, me?” I shrugged with mock innocence, indicating I had no sleeves at all in my sparkling sheath.

My heart racing, I returned to mingling with our friends. Henry went into the kitchen by himself. I knew he’d be opening the present to reveal a small bottle of lube. When he found me in the living room, he bent to kiss me right behind my ear. “I lube you, too,” he teased. “What else do you have in store for me?”

Right then, a friend from Henry’s office clinked two glasses together and began to give a speech. While he expounded on Henry’s different positive traits — as well as a few of his more charming idiosyncrasies — I snagged another present. There was a burst of applause, and then our friends returned to drinking and partying.

I took Henry aside again, and this time, I handed him the flat rectangular box containing the handcuffs. He went into the kitchen to open the present on his own, but he found me quickly afterward, and he whispered, “Bad girl.”

I flushed.

“How many more presents are there, Alexa? Because look what these first two did to me.” He gripped my hand and placed my palm against the bulge in his black slacks. My knees went weak. We were surrounded by all of our closest friends, and Henry had a hard-on that needed my attention.

“You’ll find out after everyone leaves,” I assured him.

“I can’t wait,” he said, and from the look on his face, I understood he meant the statement literally. “I’ll combust if I have to wait another minute. Come with me.” He took me into our guest room and locked the door behind him. He had the cuffs, and he had the lube.

“Henry! Everyone’s still here.”

“They won’t miss us,” he assured me. Suddenly, I found myself cuffed and tossed onto our guest bed. Henry had the lube bottle open, and he was slicking up his dick while I watched. “Henry!” I said again. I was shocked. I’d thought I was going to disperse the presents in a seductive, yet orderly fashion. I’d thought I was going to cuff Henry and blow him while he begged for release. Clearly, my man had ideas of his own. Sexy, sultry, sensuous ideas.

In seconds, he had me on my stomach, thighs spread. I felt his cock probing my pussy, and I groaned.

“Shhh,” he hissed. “You don’t want our guests to know what a naughty little fuck you are, do you?”

I bit my bottom lip to stay quiet. Henry slid his cock into me. “Oh, you’re so wet,” he sighed. “Why are you so wet?”

“Because I’ve been fantasizing about this moment all evening.”

“This?” he asked. “Exactly this?”

“Well Okay.” I said more to the pillow than to Henry. “Maybe something slightly different.” He started to fuck me at a fast pace. The handcuff chain rattled as I squirmed on the mattress. Henry pinned me with his weight, and he started to work me harder and faster. I was breathless, so wet I could hardly believe it, when Henry said, “What other gifts did you buy me?”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” I said, my voice hoarse and raw.

“I hope you bought me a paddle,” he said. “Because I am going to give you a serious spanking for being such a cocktease tonight.”

“in seconds, he had me on my stomach with my thighs spread”

I felt my cheeks go hot. I looked over my shoulder at Henry. His black hair was combed back from his forehead, and his jaw was set with a delicious dominating determination. His collar was open to reveal a bit of his broad naked chest beneath. I’d never seen him look sexier. When he caught my expression, he winked at me. He was definitely enjoying himself, which sent a wave of happiness through me. Henry ground against me and then reached a hand beneath my body, playing with my swollen clit in the way he knows I like best. He stroked me with his thumb, then pinched my clit between his thumb and forefinger. I was in heaven, writhing under him. Why had I thought I’d cuff him? Wearing the cuffs myself was much sexier.

Henry slammed into me with the fiercest thrust yet, and he matched the move with one well-timed tug on my clit. I came like a wildfire. The power of the orgasm robbed me of my breath, my sense of speech, my very thoughts. I felt as if I might never move again, paralyzed by the pleasure. Henry reached his own limit a beat after, and then he pulled out and tucked himself back into his slacks, all lovely and sticky from my juices. I rolled over and looked at him through lust-glazed eyes.

“Pull yourself together so we can get our guests to leave,” he said, and he headed to the door.

Guests. I’d forgotten all about them. It’s amazing what an unexpected orgasm can do to you. I pushed myself to a sitting position and realized with a start that he couldn’t leave me like this. “Henry,” I said, rattling the cuffs. “Don’t forget about me!” What would our friends think if I wandered back into the party with handcuffs on? How could I explain that? I couldn’t even imagine.

He grinned at me. He hadn’t forgotten. I held the cuffs in front of his face, and he unlocked them and told me not to put them away. “We’ll be using those babies again later,” he said. “And by later, I mean as soon as I can get everyone the fuck out of here.”

Henry took charge, doing all the things hosts do when they want stray guests to depart. He turned off the music, brewed a pot of strong coffee and corked the wine bottles. As our friends began to filter out of the apartment, he met my eyes several times and gave me looks of such intense sexuality that I was thrilled to my core. Finally, we said our good-byes to the last of our guests, and Henry waited for me to bring him the remainder of his gifts. I had a flash again — Henry out of his white shirt and black slacks, his cock straining upward, my lipstick smearing on his skin as I tried my best to deep-throat every last inch of him.

I gave him the rest of his presents, which he opened one by one. As he placed each item in front of him, I found myself growing aroused all over again. I watched him toy with the different devices. The paddle looked remarkably comfortable in his hand. When he delivered a mock smack in the air, I actually sucked in my breath. Henry shot me a curious look. Then he asked, “For me or for you, baby?”

“What do you mean?”

“When you bought these gifts, who did you envision on the receiving end?”

I found that I was whispering as I said the word, “You.” The thing is I knew it was a lie as the word left my lips.

“Really?” Henry asked me. “You actually thought you would cuff me?”

I stifled a giggle. Had I really thought that my big, burly boyfriend would bare his butt for me? Perhaps all along I’d known that I’d be the one bending over for him. I’d told myself a fairy tale, a make-believe story because I wasn’t ready to confront my own dirty desires. Besides, if the toys were supposed to be used on me, then would they really count as birthday presents for my beau?

“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “I just had the urge to buy them.”

“I like urges like that,” Henry said. “What do you have the urge to do now?”

What did I want to do? I wanted to bend over the table and pull my dress up in back. I wanted Henry to cuff me, blindfold me and spank me until I was sore. Then I wanted him to fuck all the pain away. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I tried to figure out how to put those carnal concepts into words.

Luckily for me, Henry didn’t need to hear me state my desires. “I’d like to make one more birthday wish,” he said, “before we take this to the next level.”

I went to bring the last slice of cake to the table, and I re-lit the big “3” and “0” candles. Staring into my eyes, Henry blew out the candles. My pussy contracted at the way he was gazing at me. He didn’t have to offer any instruction. I sat in his lap and let him put the black velvet blindfold on me. Then he cuffed my wrists together once more. Immediately, my whole world changed. I was in the darkness, but seated on Henry’s strong lap. He kissed me, sending sparkles of lust and desire winging throughout my whole body. After the noise and chaos of the party, being blindfolded and quiet on Henry’s lap was undeniably thrilling.

In the velvety darkness created by the blindfold, I felt an unexpected appreciation for my other senses. We had entered a new portion of the evening’s erotic events.

“You bought me such fabulous presents,” Henry said. “And now you’re going to make my real birthday wish come true. Because I’m going to spank that pretty ass of yours and then I’m going to fuck it. And I’ll bet you’re going to come like you never have before.”

“Oh, Henry,” I sighed.

“Would you like that?” he asked before he kissed me. I felt as if I were slowly dissolving into him. As excited as I’d been at the prospect of trying out my new BDSM gear on Henry, I discovered I was even more aroused by the opposite — the concept of having the items used on myself.

“You’ll have to earn the ass-fucking,” he said. “You won’t let me down.”

“I won’t,” I promised. “What do you want me to do?”

“I’m turning 30,” he said. “So I think you should take 30 smacks on that perfect ass of yours.”

I was dripping from the concept. I wriggled in his lap and felt that Henry was equally excited. His re-energized dick throbbed in his slacks. He let me squirm against him for a moment before he stood me up and pulled my panties down. Unsteadily, I stepped out of them. Now, I was only in my silver sleeveless dress, t-strap shoes, cuffs, and blindfold.

Henry positioned me exactly how he wanted me, belly down on our table with my arms over my head. He yanked up the hem of my dress, exposing my heart-shaped ass. Then he petted the globes of my rear end, as if to lull me into relaxing before he began the main event. The trick worked. I was practically purring under the warm caress of his palm on my naked skin. Henry used both hands to gently part my ass cheeks, and he touched his thumb to my anus. I was ready. He could dip his prick into my pussy, gather up the copious dew on his cockhead, and then spear my asshole with his thick dick, if he wanted to.

But Henry had promised a spanking, and a spanking is what he gave me. Turned out, what he’d promised was far more decadent than the birthday cake I’d served him earlier. Henry landed the paddle on my ass with a swish and a crack. He followed the first with a series of smacks alternating from one cheek to the other. I balled my hands into fists and worked to hold my body steady.

Pausing the punishment, Henry thrust a hand between my thighs and stroked my pussy, touching my clit with his middle finger and pointer together. I bit my lip and lay my head on the table, giving up any last semblance of decorum. Feign indifference while my man played with my pussy? Not this party girl. I felt the pleasure swelling inside me. If he kept manhandling me like that, I was going to come on the antique lace tablecloth covering our dining room table.

That seemed to be Henry’s desire. He made tight circling motions right over my clit, and I cried out. The delicious way in which he touched me was almost too much to take. Almost, but not quite.

He resumed the spanking — obviously keeping track of the numbers in his mind — before touching me harder, rotating his fingertips over my pulsing button. Then he withdrew his hand and pressed his hips forward so that I could feel his hard-on through his dress slacks.

“henry landed a paddle on my ass with a swish and a crack”

Come on, Henry. Let me climax! What’s one “O” between lovers? Break the rules. Let me come! But no, once more he hefted the paddle and spanked my ass fiercely. With my wrists cuffed and the blindfold in place, I felt almost as if I were one of Henry’s wrapped presents. He was counting under his breath, hitting me with a few soft swats in between more serious smacks.

“You look so lovely,” Henry said, and he set the paddle down and moved so he could kiss me. “Vulnerable,” he added before kissing me again. A rush of desire flared through me, from the tips of my painted toes all the way to the place where I could feel the blindfold buckled beneath my hair. “Submissive,” he finished, before gripping my wrists in his hands. He got me to a point in which I was arching my back so that my ass met his hand. I was sighing under my breath. That’s when Henry picked up the paddle and finished the spanking.

When he reached 30, he dropped the paddle and I heard him squirting lube on his hand. I felt the slickness next as Henry oiled up my backdoor. Then I felt his cock.

Henry was like steel as he fucked me. I couldn’t remember him ever feeling larger or harder. He held open my ass cheeks and plowed into me, and I keened long and low under my breath, feeling the flutters in my pussy as a new monster of an orgasm built inside me. I was floating on the sensation of being filled in the back, loving how everything seemed more powerful in the darkness. Inwardly, I was grateful that I was the one who got to experience Henry’s new gifts, even if he’d turned the idea of my surprise presents upside down.

With a mighty groan, Henry reached his final throes and filled my ass with his come. I shivered beneath him and climaxed on the end of his orgasm. I felt as if I were in a dream, a fabulous, erotic dream. A wish come true.

Henry unfastened the cuffs and pulled my blindfold free. “Best party, best birthday, and best presents ever,” Henry told me before planting a kiss on my lips. I couldn’t have agreed more. I was still almost too fucked to speak. “And you know what?” Henry continued. “Your birthday is next month…”

“Yes, it is,” I agreed. He looked at me with a sheepish grin I wasn’t accustomed to seeing on his handsome face.

“Who knows which one of us will get the birthday spanking that night…”

That is how we started a BDSM birthday tradition, which I’m sure we’ll celebrate for years to… come.

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Oh, Henry!

  • 1


Henry and Alexa’s sultry BDSM celebration gives new meaning to starting your birthday with a bang.

“Blow out the candles!”

“Make a wish!”

“A good wish,” someone shouted.

“A dirty wish,” I said to myself as I moved through the crowd. “A dirty, filthy, kinky wish.”

There was a cacophony of jubilant encouragement as Henry watched me set the triple-tiered vanilla birthday cake in front of him. The cake was covered in intricate roses and filled with rich raspberry frosting. I’d bought “3” and “0” candles and placed them right in the center. Henry hesitated for a moment, taking in the way the cake looked. 30 is a big event. I wanted to make the evening memorable on every level.

All of our closest friends crowded around the table. Henry was absolutely in his element, the star of the show, all eyes on him. The candlelight played over his handsome jaw, his strong brow. In the glow, his blue eyes looked almost black.

“Come on, Henry!” our friend Jackie said. “That cake looks delicious! Make a wish already. I want a piece.” The room was lit solely by candlelight. My bangs fell in front of my eyes, creating a blonde curtain that I peeked through. I watched the pretty red candles dripping wax down their sides.

Like Jackie, I couldn’t wait for Henry to blow out the candles, too. Not because I wanted any of the cake, but because I wanted to cut the cake and feed the guests. Then I wanted the guests to leave. I had bought Henry the sexiest gifts I could find — and I was desperate for a little bit of privacy so that we could use the presents together.

Henry inhaled in an exaggerated manner, then blew out the candles. He cut and served the cake to our waiting friends while I gazed longingly at the pile of presents on the breakfront. There were those bought for him by the guests, and then there were the ones wrapped in glossy black-and-silver paper, a plethora of items that I had purchased at a local sex-toy store. Although nobody would have guessed from the shapes, my gifts included a set of handcuffs, a blindfold, a bottle of lube, and a shiny black paddle. Henry and I had dabbled in erotic power play in the past, but we didn’t own any of the accoutrements. For his 30th, I thought he’d appreciate a little kink with his cake. (Or, in this case, after his cake.)

How right I was.

“I pictured henry with his back to the wall, stripped, & blindfolded”

Of course, Henry had no inkling of what I’d bought him or what I had planned for the post-party activities. What would he think when he saw the blindfold? How would he react when he pulled out the paddle? The party had seemed like a good idea when I’d initially planned it, but now the event felt ill-timed on my part. When would we be alone? I fantasized about being unspeakably rude and demanding that all the guests leave. You have to go! I have sex toys to try out! Shoo!

Thankfully — remarkably — I was able to hold my tongue. But my pussy grew wetter throughout the evening. Every time I passed by the table holding the gifts. I pictured Henry with his back to the wall, stripped entirely, cuffs on his wrists, blindfold in place. In my fantasy, I was on my knees in front of him, bobbing on his cock, bestowing a brilliant birthday blowjob before blistering the birthday boy’s behind with the new paddle. Or maybe I would spank him first, and then blow him. Which would he appreciate more? I couldn’t decide. Each image made me equally aroused.

Finally, I could wait no longer. My pussy was a lake unto itself. A girl can only take so much mental foreplay before spilling over. “Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me,” I said politely, as I snaked my way into the crowd. “I need to borrow the birthday boy.” I grabbed Henry by the hand and took him with me to a far corner of the living room where I was sure none of our guests could possibly hear us. We probably looked like happy lovers engaged in a little sweet talk. Surreptitiously, I handed him the smallest of the presents. “Open this,” I said. “Where nobody can see you.”

Henry raised his eyebrows at me. “What tricks have you got up your sleeve, Alexa?” he asked me.

“Who, me?” I shrugged with mock innocence, indicating I had no sleeves at all in my sparkling sheath.

My heart racing, I returned to mingling with our friends. Henry went into the kitchen by himself. I knew he’d be opening the present to reveal a small bottle of lube. When he found me in the living room, he bent to kiss me right behind my ear. “I lube you, too,” he teased. “What else do you have in store for me?”

Right then, a friend from Henry’s office clinked two glasses together and began to give a speech. While he expounded on Henry’s different positive traits — as well as a few of his more charming idiosyncrasies — I snagged another present. There was a burst of applause, and then our friends returned to drinking and partying.

I took Henry aside again, and this time, I handed him the flat rectangular box containing the handcuffs. He went into the kitchen to open the present on his own, but he found me quickly afterward, and he whispered, “Bad girl.”

I flushed.

“How many more presents are there, Alexa? Because look what these first two did to me.” He gripped my hand and placed my palm against the bulge in his black slacks. My knees went weak. We were surrounded by all of our closest friends, and Henry had a hard-on that needed my attention.

“You’ll find out after everyone leaves,” I assured him.

“I can’t wait,” he said, and from the look on his face, I understood he meant the statement literally. “I’ll combust if I have to wait another minute. Come with me.” He took me into our guest room and locked the door behind him. He had the cuffs, and he had the lube.

“Henry! Everyone’s still here.”

“They won’t miss us,” he assured me. Suddenly, I found myself cuffed and tossed onto our guest bed. Henry had the lube bottle open, and he was slicking up his dick while I watched. “Henry!” I said again. I was shocked. I’d thought I was going to disperse the presents in a seductive, yet orderly fashion. I’d thought I was going to cuff Henry and blow him while he begged for release. Clearly, my man had ideas of his own. Sexy, sultry, sensuous ideas.

In seconds, he had me on my stomach, thighs spread. I felt his cock probing my pussy, and I groaned.

“Shhh,” he hissed. “You don’t want our guests to know what a naughty little fuck you are, do you?”

I bit my bottom lip to stay quiet. Henry slid his cock into me. “Oh, you’re so wet,” he sighed. “Why are you so wet?”

“Because I’ve been fantasizing about this moment all evening.”

“This?” he asked. “Exactly this?”

“Well Okay.” I said more to the pillow than to Henry. “Maybe something slightly different.” He started to fuck me at a fast pace. The handcuff chain rattled as I squirmed on the mattress. Henry pinned me with his weight, and he started to work me harder and faster. I was breathless, so wet I could hardly believe it, when Henry said, “What other gifts did you buy me?”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” I said, my voice hoarse and raw.

“I hope you bought me a paddle,” he said. “Because I am going to give you a serious spanking for being such a cocktease tonight.”

“in seconds, he had me on my stomach with my thighs spread”

I felt my cheeks go hot. I looked over my shoulder at Henry. His black hair was combed back from his forehead, and his jaw was set with a delicious dominating determination. His collar was open to reveal a bit of his broad naked chest beneath. I’d never seen him look sexier. When he caught my expression, he winked at me. He was definitely enjoying himself, which sent a wave of happiness through me. Henry ground against me and then reached a hand beneath my body, playing with my swollen clit in the way he knows I like best. He stroked me with his thumb, then pinched my clit between his thumb and forefinger. I was in heaven, writhing under him. Why had I thought I’d cuff him? Wearing the cuffs myself was much sexier.

Henry slammed into me with the fiercest thrust yet, and he matched the move with one well-timed tug on my clit. I came like a wildfire. The power of the orgasm robbed me of my breath, my sense of speech, my very thoughts. I felt as if I might never move again, paralyzed by the pleasure. Henry reached his own limit a beat after, and then he pulled out and tucked himself back into his slacks, all lovely and sticky from my juices. I rolled over and looked at him through lust-glazed eyes.

“Pull yourself together so we can get our guests to leave,” he said, and he headed to the door.

Guests. I’d forgotten all about them. It’s amazing what an unexpected orgasm can do to you. I pushed myself to a sitting position and realized with a start that he couldn’t leave me like this. “Henry,” I said, rattling the cuffs. “Don’t forget about me!” What would our friends think if I wandered back into the party with handcuffs on? How could I explain that? I couldn’t even imagine.

He grinned at me. He hadn’t forgotten. I held the cuffs in front of his face, and he unlocked them and told me not to put them away. “We’ll be using those babies again later,” he said. “And by later, I mean as soon as I can get everyone the fuck out of here.”

Henry took charge, doing all the things hosts do when they want stray guests to depart. He turned off the music, brewed a pot of strong coffee and corked the wine bottles. As our friends began to filter out of the apartment, he met my eyes several times and gave me looks of such intense sexuality that I was thrilled to my core. Finally, we said our good-byes to the last of our guests, and Henry waited for me to bring him the remainder of his gifts. I had a flash again — Henry out of his white shirt and black slacks, his cock straining upward, my lipstick smearing on his skin as I tried my best to deep-throat every last inch of him.

I gave him the rest of his presents, which he opened one by one. As he placed each item in front of him, I found myself growing aroused all over again. I watched him toy with the different devices. The paddle looked remarkably comfortable in his hand. When he delivered a mock smack in the air, I actually sucked in my breath. Henry shot me a curious look. Then he asked, “For me or for you, baby?”

“What do you mean?”

“When you bought these gifts, who did you envision on the receiving end?”

I found that I was whispering as I said the word, “You.” The thing is I knew it was a lie as the word left my lips.

“Really?” Henry asked me. “You actually thought you would cuff me?”

I stifled a giggle. Had I really thought that my big, burly boyfriend would bare his butt for me? Perhaps all along I’d known that I’d be the one bending over for him. I’d told myself a fairy tale, a make-believe story because I wasn’t ready to confront my own dirty desires. Besides, if the toys were supposed to be used on me, then would they really count as birthday presents for my beau?

“I don’t know,” I said honestly. “I just had the urge to buy them.”

“I like urges like that,” Henry said. “What do you have the urge to do now?”

What did I want to do? I wanted to bend over the table and pull my dress up in back. I wanted Henry to cuff me, blindfold me and spank me until I was sore. Then I wanted him to fuck all the pain away. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I tried to figure out how to put those carnal concepts into words.

Luckily for me, Henry didn’t need to hear me state my desires. “I’d like to make one more birthday wish,” he said, “before we take this to the next level.”

I went to bring the last slice of cake to the table, and I re-lit the big “3” and “0” candles. Staring into my eyes, Henry blew out the candles. My pussy contracted at the way he was gazing at me. He didn’t have to offer any instruction. I sat in his lap and let him put the black velvet blindfold on me. Then he cuffed my wrists together once more. Immediately, my whole world changed. I was in the darkness, but seated on Henry’s strong lap. He kissed me, sending sparkles of lust and desire winging throughout my whole body. After the noise and chaos of the party, being blindfolded and quiet on Henry’s lap was undeniably thrilling.

In the velvety darkness created by the blindfold, I felt an unexpected appreciation for my other senses. We had entered a new portion of the evening’s erotic events.

“You bought me such fabulous presents,” Henry said. “And now you’re going to make my real birthday wish come true. Because I’m going to spank that pretty ass of yours and then I’m going to fuck it. And I’ll bet you’re going to come like you never have before.”

“Oh, Henry,” I sighed.

“Would you like that?” he asked before he kissed me. I felt as if I were slowly dissolving into him. As excited as I’d been at the prospect of trying out my new BDSM gear on Henry, I discovered I was even more aroused by the opposite — the concept of having the items used on myself.

“You’ll have to earn the ass-fucking,” he said. “You won’t let me down.”

“I won’t,” I promised. “What do you want me to do?”

“I’m turning 30,” he said. “So I think you should take 30 smacks on that perfect ass of yours.”

I was dripping from the concept. I wriggled in his lap and felt that Henry was equally excited. His re-energized dick throbbed in his slacks. He let me squirm against him for a moment before he stood me up and pulled my panties down. Unsteadily, I stepped out of them. Now, I was only in my silver sleeveless dress, t-strap shoes, cuffs, and blindfold.

Henry positioned me exactly how he wanted me, belly down on our table with my arms over my head. He yanked up the hem of my dress, exposing my heart-shaped ass. Then he petted the globes of my rear end, as if to lull me into relaxing before he began the main event. The trick worked. I was practically purring under the warm caress of his palm on my naked skin. Henry used both hands to gently part my ass cheeks, and he touched his thumb to my anus. I was ready. He could dip his prick into my pussy, gather up the copious dew on his cockhead, and then spear my asshole with his thick dick, if he wanted to.

But Henry had promised a spanking, and a spanking is what he gave me. Turned out, what he’d promised was far more decadent than the birthday cake I’d served him earlier. Henry landed the paddle on my ass with a swish and a crack. He followed the first with a series of smacks alternating from one cheek to the other. I balled my hands into fists and worked to hold my body steady.

Pausing the punishment, Henry thrust a hand between my thighs and stroked my pussy, touching my clit with his middle finger and pointer together. I bit my lip and lay my head on the table, giving up any last semblance of decorum. Feign indifference while my man played with my pussy? Not this party girl. I felt the pleasure swelling inside me. If he kept manhandling me like that, I was going to come on the antique lace tablecloth covering our dining room table.

That seemed to be Henry’s desire. He made tight circling motions right over my clit, and I cried out. The delicious way in which he touched me was almost too much to take. Almost, but not quite.

He resumed the spanking — obviously keeping track of the numbers in his mind — before touching me harder, rotating his fingertips over my pulsing button. Then he withdrew his hand and pressed his hips forward so that I could feel his hard-on through his dress slacks.

“henry landed a paddle on my ass with a swish and a crack”

Come on, Henry. Let me climax! What’s one “O” between lovers? Break the rules. Let me come! But no, once more he hefted the paddle and spanked my ass fiercely. With my wrists cuffed and the blindfold in place, I felt almost as if I were one of Henry’s wrapped presents. He was counting under his breath, hitting me with a few soft swats in between more serious smacks.

“You look so lovely,” Henry said, and he set the paddle down and moved so he could kiss me. “Vulnerable,” he added before kissing me again. A rush of desire flared through me, from the tips of my painted toes all the way to the place where I could feel the blindfold buckled beneath my hair. “Submissive,” he finished, before gripping my wrists in his hands. He got me to a point in which I was arching my back so that my ass met his hand. I was sighing under my breath. That’s when Henry picked up the paddle and finished the spanking.

When he reached 30, he dropped the paddle and I heard him squirting lube on his hand. I felt the slickness next as Henry oiled up my backdoor. Then I felt his cock.

Henry was like steel as he fucked me. I couldn’t remember him ever feeling larger or harder. He held open my ass cheeks and plowed into me, and I keened long and low under my breath, feeling the flutters in my pussy as a new monster of an orgasm built inside me. I was floating on the sensation of being filled in the back, loving how everything seemed more powerful in the darkness. Inwardly, I was grateful that I was the one who got to experience Henry’s new gifts, even if he’d turned the idea of my surprise presents upside down.

With a mighty groan, Henry reached his final throes and filled my ass with his come. I shivered beneath him and climaxed on the end of his orgasm. I felt as if I were in a dream, a fabulous, erotic dream. A wish come true.

Henry unfastened the cuffs and pulled my blindfold free. “Best party, best birthday, and best presents ever,” Henry told me before planting a kiss on my lips. I couldn’t have agreed more. I was still almost too fucked to speak. “And you know what?” Henry continued. “Your birthday is next month…”

“Yes, it is,” I agreed. He looked at me with a sheepish grin I wasn’t accustomed to seeing on his handsome face.

“Who knows which one of us will get the birthday spanking that night…”

That is how we started a BDSM birthday tradition, which I’m sure we’ll celebrate for years to… come.



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