Earlier in the year, I’d had a tough time meeting women. I was as awkward as hell on dates. Just one of those clumsy guys who never quite got his act together romance-wise.
Then — bam! Summer came along. The weather turned sultry. The skies were an exhilarating blue. The night air was fragrant with blooming flowers. And something happened to me. Out of nowhere I started feeling like a self-confident stud.
I don’t know what hit me. I was still the same ole 20-something with the same ole job. I didn’t get ripped in the gym or win the lottery. That person in the bathroom mirror looked vaguely like the one who used to only get laid once in a blue moon.
But I was somebody else now, or at least an improved version of me. I felt it in my bones. I was charged with energy, with new... Leer Más