I work in a men’s clothing store. Having a good midwestern work ethic, I check every order before sending it to the factory, even those taken by other managers.
It was while I was doing this that I noticed what seemed to be a big mistake.
I found an order for a man who was, apparently, fairly heavy for his height — 215 pounds at five-eleven. His neck was more than 18 inches, his chest was 51 inches, and his waist was 32 inches. Either some of these measurements were wrong, or this guy had one hell of a physique. On the off chance that this was the right information, I wanted to meet this Goliath.
You see, ever since I can remember, I have had a real weakness for guys with big muscles. I loved to watch all those old Hercules movies and pretend that I was the young slave girl who would be rescued by the strength... Leer Más