As the head of Passarella Death Squad, Danny Broddle has given the world a series of youthful, club-friendly T-shirts with images of nude or scantily clad models in compromising poses, printed on luxurious Japanese fabrics.
Broddle also records dance tracks with Emilie Albisser and Kingsley Gratrick under the moniker Passarella Death Squad.Broddle’s Pop Shots layout focused on his appreciation for fashion and his penchant for leggy, doe-eyed models, not to mention the leather, lace, and latex that were part of the elaborate wardrobe worn by Maria, Vika, and Anita.
Did this process feel different than the shoots you’ve produced for the more traditional fashion books?
The stakes are always high when you create a photo shoot, but as I was going out to a new audience that... Leer Más