For weeks I had been talking to my wife, Brenda, about taking a trip. Running my own business keeps me at work all hours of the day, so I rarely have the energy for all-out sex — the kind we used to have back in our days at college.
We finally agreed to take two weeks off in April to fly our small plane down to Baja.
Brenda spends hours in aerobic classes, and the hard work really pays off. In the airplane she was wearing a short white cotton T-shirt and faded denim cut-offs. Her all-natural breasts are as firm and perky as the day I met her. Her flat stomach proudly displays the gold-and-diamond belly ring I gave her on our first anniversary. Once we were airborne, my not-so-subtle glances did not go unnoticed, and pretty soon her nipples had begun to harden.
After an uneventful landing near the... Read More