It was silly the way my wife, Tammy, dipped her head when she laughed. We were out to dinner and she cracked up at something stupid I said.
I say a lot of stupid stuff, so I don’t remember what it was.
When her long, dark hair fell in front of her face like a soft curtain, it made me think of her sucking my cock — the way her hair settled around her cheeks and often brushed my thighs as she moved over me.
The craving for my wife’s mouth was sudden and intense. When the waiter brought our check, I practically threw my credit card at him.
Tammy looked surprised, but she also had a look of curiosity. She knew something was up — something sexual. I could tell by the way her Kewpie-doll lips curled into a half-smile. I took her hand and squeezed.
“Why are... Read More